
Writing Photography Rambling

March 10, 2004 10:28PM

Uncomfort, Annoyance and Irritating

The Fetish Masquerade played tonight and I was regrettibly unable to attend due to having no one to go with, no way to get home, no idea where I was going, a general uncomfort with myself, as well as no desire to step out of my house. With that aside however, I would have loved to go. I sometimes wish I wasn't so weak. Oh well, I'm sure they did awesome and no one missed me.

I slept right through my alarm this morning, and I know this because when I woke up, the alarm was still set, so I didn't get up and turn it off and go back to sleep, I actually slept right through it. This sucked cause I was supposed to go to school, and I didn't even wake up until AFTER I would have been finished school. I can't believe that I slept through my alarm... there's nothing else I could've done.. well, besides going to bed earlier.. that might be something to look into. At any rate, I'm going to go to bed before 2am tonight and get up and go to school.

I just played GTA3 and Breath of Fire 2 for a bit when I was waiting for Linzie to come over (which I did until about 4:30), at which time I went to the mall and got some grocieries... things like chicken, ground beef, hamburger buns, margerine and scooby doo getthi.. amung other stuff. It was really heavy to carry home by myself and filled four bags. Buutt.. it's better than having to pay $2.50 to have Linzie come with me.

I had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn for supper tonight and Coke to drink. Linzie and I watched some TV for a bit and eventually started talking about piercings. I took one of Linzies extra CBRs and put one through each of my tunnels in my lobes, tried to put one of my new labret shafts through one of my ears and couldn't get it through, so I put back in my spikey half circle thing. Then Linzie pierced my ear, and I put in an eyebrow ring with two blue balls on it. I pierced it in the exact same place I did last time, when I couldn't get the jewelry in and lost the piercing... so, it hurt. It hurt a lot.. because I pierced through scar tissue.. which is unbelievable painful, but it's where I wanted it obviously, so I wasn't going to settle for anywhere else. And instead of trying to put the CBR through it right away, I'm just going to let it heal for two weeks and switch it later, so I don't lose it again. After that was all over, Linzie stretched one of her ear piercings using my stretcher, so she's got the itchy burning pain thing going on.. in her ear, not her pants, thankfully.

Now Linzie's gone home and I'm installing UT2k3 because the UT2k4 demo is making me want to play more maps. I'm also talking to Tara and listening to The Craft which is on in my room. I'm probably gonna play some GTA3 or Tekken 4 soon and then go to bed.

And that's everything kids. Goodnight and thanks for living through me.. or.. no thanks. yeahhh.. no thanks, you fucking bastards.

553 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie

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