
Writing Photography Rambling

February 27, 2004 10:01PM

This can't be real..

So I've been having an alarming amount of people contacting me, both in person and via telephone and online inquiring about why the hell I haven't updated my website... most likely checking to see if I was dead or not.. but anyhow.. I thought I'd do them a favour and post one.

Well, first of all, I should mention that this new java version of Arachnophilia doesn't seem to have word wrap (or I can't find it) and my lines of text just keep on going and going onto the right... it's quite distracting and it's making me not want to write.

So, Sometime early in the week, the owner of Pizza Hut decided to ban piercings. So, I was forced to either take out my seven piercings, or quit. So, I left. It was so hard... but... I've been thinking and thinking of different ways to comprimise, because I don't want to leave that place, nor do I want to leave the people there... so I called Rob with ideas regarding putting in small barbells in my lip so you can't really see anything, and clear plugs in my ears, so you wouldn't really notice them that much... so he said that he'd have to talk to Jeff Hilton (the owner) about it, but until then I can work if I do that... so at least I have my job back now for a bit.

Yes, so obviously that made my week beyond stressful, thinking I had no job, no income, no food... and so on and so forth. This lead to me being not to stable. But to make it worse, three days in a row or so, Linzie, for one reason or another, wasn't able to come over, so I had to go through this extremely hard time all by myself. It was really hard, and I felt like no one cared about me, because I just has my Mom yelling at me, calling me names and saying that I'm nothing but a failure, and it was.. hard.

Of course more had to go wrong, and my laptop wouldn't connect to the internet at home AND the wireless network at home had to go down, so that fucked me up and I had to worry about that at the same time... which I left until yesrterday, and I got the wired network working again, and I'm probably gonna try to get the wireless to work either later tonight or sometime tomorrow.. although tomorrow is going to busy.

Oooh, I bombed a mid-term worth 30% of my mark, totally worked my ass off on a project, stayed up allll night, got to school, changed one line of code and broke it and I couldn't fix it, so I failed that after working so hard. Nothing was going right this week.. but I'm gonna try to turn it all around.. everyone always says whether I'm happy or not is all up to me, but sometimes I have a hard time believing that, especially after a week like this.

So I'm getting much more used to Linux now... I don't despise the thing as much as I used to but Virtual PC 2004 still makes it run like a bitch, but I'm more comfortable with the thing now, as I've set the preferences to my liking... I had to reformat my laptop in an extremely annoying process of getting the wired network to function, but I managed to keep all my linux stuff intact. I'm also getting more used to C++ and I've already made quite a bit of progress on Project 2, and I've actually finished the minimum requirments (Level 0 as they say). Now I'm gonna work on the next step of ignoring quotes and comments. I'm actually having some fun with it... I'm starting to get back into it like when I was working on Wallpaper and Download Manager.

I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo online with both Ben and Linzie, and I'm really looking forward to when this game comes out because just with the one deathmatch map it comes with, it's amazingly fun and addictive. Also, I've been playing an unhealthy amount of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA, and I've actually beat the game... did it las tnight. But I still have lots to do, like level up all my clan members and complete all 300 missions before I finish playing this one. Also, I've been playing a bit of Breath of Fire II for GBA on the bus and when I have time, I play a dungeon or two in .Hack//Infection, but not that much lately. I played this morning and it made me want to play a lot more, so we'll see what happens.

Lately I've been listening to KMFDM, Thursday and just a bit of random music. I'm not really addicted to one band at the moment. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

So basically, I'm playing games, and setting up my laptop to my preferences. I'm finally getting it back to it's previous glory... hell, I run UT2k4 at 1280x960 with the graphics settings maxed out and it runs smooth as hell! if hell was smooth.

There's your update people, now you can rest easy for a few nights.

879 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie

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