
Writing Photography Rambling

February 27, 2011 12:16AM

Hard work pays off right?

Work was... a very long day. Wait, does that make sense?

I'm watching the movie Splice right now, as I felt watching a movie before bed was my reward for surviving the day, but sadly it turns out that it's a pretty terrible movie, weird, um... it's like... overdramatic, unreasonable, unrealistic, stupid, and kind of turning overly sexual, in a weird creepy doing ladies with a tail kinda way.

Work was kinda lame... it was a big gala, had a lot of time to get it ready, but it went super late so I had to stay really late, and ended up working 11.5 hours. I stayed for a beer with Matt and Tom, and then Tom drove me home. Once home, I ate a lasagna, had dessert and changed into my pjs. Once settled in, I put on Splice, as it seemed like the most interesting movie available on demand, but... ah, I guess I was unlucky.

I have work tomorrow at 7am, so I have to go to bed really soon, and wake up in.. uh.. less time than I wish. Julie is driving me and Connor even though she doesn't work.

I just wanted to write a little while relaxing, as it usually makes me feel a bit more at rest, and I guess it helped. I'm gonna finish the movie now and then go to sleep.

Tomorrow is Sunday brunch for around 90 I guess, then there is a stupid small buffet later in the night that I just have to get ready, but I don't have to stay for it, so while the schedule says i have to work 11 hours, I'm going to leave after putting away brunch and ensuring that the buffet is ready and the cafe is set up. Should be around 4 probably. Maybe, hopefully.

I can't wait for this weekend to be over, I can't wait for guilt free relaxing next week... it's going to be so awesome. I'm not going to do anything but surround myself with junk food and things that will relax me, like finishing my itunes program and perhaps starting a new one, as well as writing up some c++ help pages for friends, and what ever else tickles my fancy.

371 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


February 27, 2011

and having dinner ready for me when i get home from school?

cant blame me for trying!

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