
Writing Photography Rambling

November 11, 2003 3:16AM

I Can Feel The Pity Oozing Out... they have ointment for that.

Okay, so you're probably wondering why I haven't been updating or anything. Well, I got this neat little game called Final Fantasy XI, and I haven't stopped playing it; even to take a poop! I just poop in my pants! Anyway, the game is unimaginably fun. It's an MMORPG, with 28 North American servers, and you play in a world populated by about 3000 real people, in real time, all the time. There are quests, missions, jobs, guilds, adventures, chocobos, moogles... and the list goes on! You will never have nothing to do. If you don't feel like fighting monsters today, find a nice pond or creek somewhere and just fish for a bit, maybe catch a big one and sell it through an auction, or take it to the fishing guild to have it weighed and displayed. There is just so much to this game... it's so fun. That's my level 12 White Mage to the left there. I also have a level 8 warrior (on different servers), which you can view a screenshot of here. Here are a few more of me with a few party members:
  • images/images/screens/khaz01.jpg
  • images/images/screens/khaz02.jpg
  • images/images/screens/khaz03.jpg
  • If you're at all interested in the game, I highly suggest you check out a few sites, and I definetly suggest you get it if possible. Here are a few good places to start:
  • PlayOnline Official FFXI Website
  • Final Fantasy Vault
  • Other than playing FFXI, I've been going to school and going to work. How I hate work. Takes away my free time. I feel so trapped and like I have no time to do anything. Grr. I spend less time with Linzie than ever before, I have little time to play games or work on websites and so on, I barely have enough time for school work (luckely I'm doing well in my classes... 90's people!) and it's just generally a depressing situation I don't think I can get out of. I sometimes wish I was just happy, for no reason... just plain old stupid happy, something I can and will never get. God dammit.

    Tomorrow is the drop kick murphey's, which should be entertaining, I just hope I'm not dead tired from staying up all night tonight (I plan on sleeping from when I get home from school to when I have to leave, so that should be alright), I hope I don't have a headache, and most of all I hope I'm not in a bitchy mood, because I always take it out on Linzie. She's really excited about it, so I totally don't want to wreck it for her, but she better pay attention to me while we're there, because that'll piss me off if she just spends all her time with her friends and fucks me over. She did it at AFI, so she better not here.

    Speaking of Linzie, she was sick today, which sucked because I didn't get to see her at all, but I worked so it didn't matter all that much. When I got home I had webcam and audio conversations with her, which she told me made her happy, so it was good.. I hope she's feeling better for tomorrow, but I know she has a stuffed up nose and all that, so it sucks cause she's probably uncomfortable.

    Also, in english I made a video of my friend Josh, rubbing his nipples through his shirt, so if you wanna check that out... for whatever.. sick reasons you have.. uh.. yeah, just email me or message me and I'll hook you up. I'd host it on the site if it wasn't 2mb. So, keep that in mind, it's TWO MEGS of nipple rubbing action... ooh, homoerotic!

    I've still been listening to Billy Talent a lot, and my mood lately has been generally depressed. That's about it for me right now, I'll talk to you people later.

    656 words

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    • I lived with Ben on Cartier
    • I was with Linzie
    • I worked at Pizza Hut

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