
Writing Photography Rambling

June 22, 2003 4:52AM

Sore and Unrested Again

I've worked the last two days (closing) so that's why I really haven't updated... Lot's of stuff is coming up.. it's so strange to go from nothing at all, to so much happening. Let's see..

Dentist appointment, refill perscription, buy laptop for school, pay tution, alexisonfire concert, AFI concert, Reel Big Fish concert... and it keeps going and going! So... yeah, I have lot's to do. I'm excited about getting a laptop though... I've always wanted one and now I finally have a reason too... I plan on getting a really nice one.. because hell, it has to last me three years, and it would be nice if it wasn't horrible by the time I got a job.. we'll see.

I'm tired, but I'm waiting for Linzie to come over at 6am or so... she better.. cause I better not be staying up this late for nothing!

I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2003 and listening to a lot of Jack Off Jill.

Oh, and I've been bidding a lot on EBay for old N64 games I lost a long time ago. So far I've won Extreme G and Goldeneye for about 17.50 plus S&H, whic is awesome. And I'm still bidding on Extreme G2, Mario Party 2, Killer Instinct Gold and Extreme G3. I'll let you know if I win those or not.. but they are so cheap, it's so worth it. Most games start at one cent.

That's it for now... bye bye everyone!

246 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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