
Writing Photography Rambling

April 10, 2006 4:10AM

A Blah Day Mostly

Lord of War

I watched Lord of War today, and although some parts were disturbing, they were neccessarily disturbing, as they didn't make anything up... shit that happened in this movie was real and wasn't a fantasy, and watching it made it that much more disturbing. It brings up a lot of good questions, especially about war. Is it wrong to supply arms to people to kill? How about to defend themselves? Well those positions can be switched depending on what side you're viewing it from. Is it the gun traders that cause the death, or are the people pulling the triggers the responsible ones? I highly recommend this film to any intelligent person, who likes to get different perspectives on things. Nicolas Cage was excellent as an actor and a narrator, and the film was intense, emotional and disturbing because deep down it was extremely realstic (at the end of the film it even says it was based on true events and real people). Click on the poster to the left to see it full size (make sure your browser doesn't resize it. It's an amazing poster.. look closer.)

Today was a pretty bad fucking day. I guess it wasn't as bad as some, or as bad as it could have been, but I woke up not feeling great, and the feeling never really left. I woke up unable to breath, uncomfortable and headachey, much like everyday that I get up... the rest of the day was a struggle to stay sane as I was horribly bored and alone. Before Michelle left for work, I beat Max Payne 2 as she watched, and it was.. fun! It's always fun playing through that game, as the story is so freakin awesome. I plan on playing through it on the next difficulty, as well as playing Dead Man Walking mode. Anywho... I didn't really work at all on the forum script, only played Diablo 2 for a few minutes in the afternoon, and the rest of the time was spent watching Lord of War, and episodes of Punk'd. Later on in the night my mood didn't improve, nor did my ability to stay awake, and I fell asleep unintentionally early, and was alone for the rest of the night.

After I awoke from my nap, Tony and I played Diablo 2 until around 2am when we both decided we were too tired to function properly, and we logged off and Tony went to bed. From there I worked a little bit on the forum... making some more changes and improvements (a lot actually.. I'll post another update list tomorrow when I've finished the ones on my to-do list). I've basically just been asking what people (Mark) wants and then I add it in. Leave me your suggestions and chances are it will be added in.

Now it's late, I haven't eaten anything all day except french fries and a hotdog at 10am... so I think I'm going to relax and watch my weekend shows I downloaded.. The Simpsons, Family Guy and Saturday Night Live. Use torrents? Grab tonight's episodes.

I'm sure you'll hear from me tomorrow. Oh yeah...

The site is accessable from http://www.jordangrieve.com. It's the exact same website, different address... just use the one that's easier to remember for you. Note: because cookies store information based on domain name, if you access jordangrieve.com, it won't have you logged in, if you logged into jordan.webkore.net. Each domain will store a user on it's own... if that makes any sense. Basically, if it's your first time visiting jordangrieve.com, you'll have to login, even if you're already logged in here. Once you're logged in, it keeps you logged in forever, until you log out or expire.

Goodnight everyone.

626 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


April 10, 2006

That poster is amazing, the bullet hair is awesome!

Thanks for playing Max Payne, even though you "hate" it. :P

April 11, 2006

i'd like a chair made of cheese, and a table made of cheese.. and a clown with no head!!

actually.. i haven't come across anything i think needs to be tweaked on the msg board.. good job.


good job on auto-resizing avatars! (just noticed and thought it needed a mention since no boards ever really seem to do that)

April 11, 2006

and i suck and forgot to mention..

*thumbs up* for the review of lord of war.. i was impressed in the same way.. it nicely brings up the question of ethics versus perspective..

*edit* and apparently.. there's an edit option i didn't notice before that i'm sure i'll be using in the future..

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