
Writing Photography Rambling

June 29, 2007 8:21PM


I feel pretty off today... kinda feeling down and on top of that I don't feel that good physically either, so it's been a pretty bad day, but meh, oh well.

I'm just getting my supper ready because I thought that maybe eating somewhat of a normal supper might snap me out of this weird daze that I'm in. I'm making spaghetti and tomatoes, with some two week old cauliflower that is still kinda good. It should be pretty good, not quite as good as it should be (due to a lack of bread and broccolis) but good enough to make me feel a bit of comfort.

I haven't really been able to do anything today, but I've tried. I tried playing some games but I don't feel very well when I do that, and I tried watching TV but I end up feeling really nervous for some reason, so I stop doing that. I'm not sure what the hells wrong, but hopefully supper and night time take it all away and I can feel better.

I don't really have much to talk about (since I haven't really done much) but I wanted to write an entry anyway, just so that I can keep in the habit.

Ben and I played Diablo 2 yesterday. We started new hardcore ladder characters... Ben was a traps assasin and I was a holy shock paladin and we played through most of act one. It was fun, although dealing with the people on battle.net is a bit of an annoyance. People are so fucking stupid online that it's painful to have to play near them, but you don't have much of a choice. We'll probably continue to play those characters in the next few days, and it should be fun.

Today is 1Up day, and the 1Up show was good (lots of Mark MacDonald) and I'm looking forward to listening to 1Up Yours this evening. Maybe things will look up for me after all.

330 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


June 29, 2007

I want to watch the 1UP show, especially if there is lots of Mark!

I hope you'll feel better tonight so we can have our nightly routine and enjoy the evening together.

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