
Writing Photography Rambling

September 16, 2008 11:30AM

Good Morning

I've got a day off today, that's why it's 11:35am and I'm just crawling out of my warm, grey cat filled bed. I figured now would be a good time to write something, you know, before getting settled into my day of relaxing and doing nothing (in a good way).

Writing here is somewhat bittersweet for a few reasons, mainly because I know that no one is going to see it, maybe just Michelle and myself, but I know that deep down the reason I've been writing all these years was just for my own personal record keeping, so in twenty years I can look back and see how much of a pussy I was, and so with that in mind I can keep writing and not really mind that no one is going to see it.

I know that if anyone does eventually come here they're going to be really lost as to what exactly I'm up to in my life, as I've not really communicated with anyone for about a year thanks to having a full time job and how tiring that can be, but instead of writing about the last year, I'll just pick up from like... yesterday, that should do. I mean it would just take so much effort to catch everyone up on a year of.. oh wait, I can do it. I went to work, came home and played games. There we go, we're caught up.

Yesterday I worked at 7:00am to 3:00pm, so I woke up at 5;40am and had my normal breakfast of a glass of juice and two pieces of toast with apple butter, got dressed and watched a few minutes of Breakfast Television, and got my backpack ready by putting my broken piece of crap Logitech Revolution mouse in it. At 6:15 I left and walked to the bus stop at Wellington and Grey. While standing at the bus stop, I realized I had forgotten the backpack with the mouse I was returning after work, and I wasn't going to put it off another day, so I literally sprinted back to my house as fast as I could, ran inside, grabbed it, and sprinted back. The funny part is, I still missed the bus, so I could have casually walked. Anyway, it was a really big mistake to run that fast, for whatever reason, I'm not sure if it was because of how early it was, how much I had eaten or just how horribly out of shape I was, running that fast made me almost throw up, I couldn't breath and it just sucked. The majority of the morning at work I just felt like I was going to throw up... big mistake.

I'm not sure if I really have anything to say about what I did at work... it was work. I was in a pretty bad mood about everything that's been going on, and I've just found myself thinking about sad or upsetting things lately even though I don't want to. I ended up punching the wall and cutting my hand at work, but don't tell anyone.

After work I caught the bus going north to Masonville and went to Best Buy to exchange my mouse for a second time. I made the nice customer service girl test out the new mouse on a computer behind her before I would take it, and she was nice about it. The mouse moved, so that was an improvement on the one I currently had, so I took it and thanked her and went home. I was off work at 3:15pm but didn't get home until 4:30pm or something, so that kinda bugged me, not a lot, but I just value my time away from work and it seemed like an unneccessary waste of time... fuck you Logitech!

Once home I cooked myself and Michelle dinner... grilled chicken breast on a croissant, with a side of green olives, pickles and cottage cheese (all seperate thank you very much). It's a pretty standard dinner that I make myself, it's quick and easy and tastes great. As per normal, I watched Jon and Kate plus 8 while eating (the best show on tv) and it was nice to sit down and not feel like death for awhile.

Monday night is the designated World of Warcraft night with Ben, since he's back in school and needs to.. you know, succeed, World of Warcraft and it's unending addictive nature needs to take somewhat of a backseat, so we play every Monday, and then any day where he's completely caught up and sick of studying. So after dinner I gave him a call and we hopped on Ventrillo and played WoW all evening, but like a lot of the time, WoW is more like something we do in the background and what we're really doing is discussing space time, and math problems. In WoW, our characters are: Panello, my level 65 Restoration Druid, and Defiantbliss, Ben's level 65 Demonology Warlock. For about three hours we just did the same "kill so and so Naga" over and over to get me reverred with Sporregar, so we barely paid attention to the game and just talked about random human mysteries. Around 9:30, Michelle came on and we three manned a five man instance Slave Pens in order to get a quest completed. We had no problems, and doing those dungeons with just us three is one of the most fun things I do in WoW. The amount of thinking, effort and strategy you need, as well as teamwork is just so different to everything else, it's a lot of fun. That took us to about 10:30pm or something, and Michelle went to bed, and Ben and I did a few quests in Terokkar before we were both pretty tired and Ben went to bed around 12:30am or so. I pretty much stopped at that time too, finding myself quite tired having got up at 5:40am and running a fucking olympic event on the way to the bus, so I got into my pijamas and went to bed, and I fell asleep almost instantly.

Today I'll probably play as many games as I can, eat a lazy and horrible but awesome lunch, and maybe make a stirfry for dinner, and just enjoy not being at work as best I can.

It'll be a good day.

1062 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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