
Writing Photography Rambling

January 31, 2011 11:38PM


I spent the majority of today working on school work... a workplace behaviour project to be specific, and it wasn't too bad. I woke up around 10:00am and had breakfast, the usual toast and coffee, and around 10:30 or 11am I started the school work. I worked on it until around 3pm, and finished it completely. It felt good to get it out of the way, and I was pretty proud of the results.

After 3pm I decided that I wanted to make a nice dinner, so I walked to No Frills and bought a few things. Once I got home, I had to log on to FanLive to attend the online session of my business class, and that lead to 6pm when I started dinner.

I made mushroom risotto, grilled chicken breast with a cheese sauce and brocolli and carrots. It sure was tastey!

After dinner, I played a little bit of WoW, and since it was so late already, I only got a couple dungeons in.

Tomorrow I've got school at 8am, so it's a 6am wake up call for me, then C++ and Workplace Behaviour and I can hand in my project.

Should be a good day... I feel a lot better than I had for the last month. I'm starting to feel better again... maybe I'll talk about it more tomorrow.

224 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
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