
Writing Photography Rambling

July 11, 2011 1:19AM

Those vacant eyes looking back

I just fucking ran over my big toe with my chair, moving from side to side from my mac to my laptop, and it's now bleeding and I'm even more frustrated than I was a few minutes ago, and let me tell you, that was pretty fucking frustrated.

My laptop has always had issues, small things that went away, small things that seemed better to ignore than go through the unimaginable inconvenience of getting it serviced. The first day of school the screen gave out and huge lines went all through it but since then that problem hasn't shown up, but something related has. Once and awhile the screen will just stay black, and I have to press hard down on the top left of the machine and it comes back on. More recently, the A key has been stuck, but not stuck... the computer thinks it's being pushed down when it's not, and it seems like if I put pressure down on it, it'll eventually fix itself. Then today for the first time, it thought the S key was pressed down, that whole area, and it took forever to stop, and I was getting super pissed. Then, after turning my machine off for a break to watch the Shield, I came back in and when I turn the computer on, it just beeps. Non-stop, beep, beep, beep, non-stop utnil I turn it off. This... this was too much. I was losing it, realy getting upset. I took the battery out, power drained it, did all the shit I know how to do... I even shook the fuck out of it. It wouldn't start. I was looking up support articles... nothing of use naturally. I tried, and tried, and tried, and one time, after like a half hour of fucking around with this bullshit piece of crap computer, it came on, like normal, and just worked. This thing is supposed to last me two more years and it's already barely alive... just my fucking luck. I'm getting to the point where I really want to just open it up, take it apart and put it back together myself so I can make sure everything is in right because I have a feeling shit is fucked up in here.

Work was work today, I worked. I was like, "Hey I'm at work and doing work."

After work I drank a couple beers and played some games. Eventually watched some of the Shield, played a few more things, then got all pissed off, then ran over my fucking toe, now I'm in a bad mood, sore and there's a chance my computer may just not work at random times. GOOD SHIT!

449 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Broken up but living with Michelle


July 11, 2011
you should send in the computer before school starts, they can fix all the stuff thats wrong and you wont have to worry. :)

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