
Writing Photography Rambling

September 05, 2011 10:51PM


You would think that today would've been a perfectly relaxing day, but I kept myself so busy that very little relaxing was done. I guess that's pretty normal lately... I haven't played a game beyond a few minutes of Final Fantasy Tactics here and there, I feel a bit occupied. I feel scattered, and chaotic, but still enough free time to feel lonely sometimes, or maybe lonely isn't the right word, I think... isolated may be more accurate.

I woke up fairly early, or earlier than some days off anyway, and I didn't feel groggy when I woke up, and that's thanks to the fact that I actually didn't take a sleeping pill the night before. So I didn't really have trouble waking up, although I did wake up a few times during the night and notice how cold it was, and yet at the time didn't realize I could just get up and close the windows to make it warmer, instead I would just roll over and think "I sure hope I don't get a cold or sore throat from this shit" and then fall back asleep. Once I was up, I wanted to make a nice big breakfast as it had been way too long since I'd had a nice breakfast. I made pretty much the same breakfast I make when I go all out, which is poached eggs on toast, with bacon, hashbrowns and coffee... but I'm not bored of it yet, in fact I quite enjoy it every time, so it was nice to sit down and eat it this morning. For some reason I put on Family Fued while I ate breakfast, and it was strangely comforting, even though it had been years since I've watched it.

I spent the entire afternoon working on a to do list, which is another normal thing I do on typical days off, but I think I did more than normal today, mostly because there is no specific game that I'm really, really in to right now, and nothing recorded on TV to watch because it's Monday, and I just felt like I had to clean up a bit, so that's what I did. I did all the dishes (which were a bit more because of my breakfast) and cleaned the kitty litter, and took out all the garbage. The two big pieces of cleaning I did today that I sometimes put off for other days off are laundry and cleaning the bathroom, but like... a thorough job. I did three loads of laundry, the first load being my clothes, second being the towels and third being the sheets and pillow cases. That was quite the long project, and the last load wasn't even finished until late into the evening. Also, I cleaned the bathroom mainly because when I sat down in my bath, I always noticed cat hair stuck to the corners of the floor, where the steam would make the tiles slightly moist, and the cat hair would stick to it, and it always bothered me how dusty it was. So I cleaned the sink, toilet and bath tub, and then swept the floor, then mopped it, and then swept it one last time to get all of the dust. It felt good to clean it all, and felt good to have all the laundry done.

For dinner I had a hard time deciding on if I wanted to make a nice dinner or make an easy dinner (like pasta or something) and I had chicken in the fridge that I needed to use, so that kind of tipped the scales. Right as I was getting dinner on, my Sister sent me a text asking if I wanted to go out for nachos, so I assumed this meant she had no food, or at least didn't want to make anything, so I offered to make some of what I was making and share it with her, because I'm used to cooking for two people anyway, so I have trouble reducing the portion sizes and have it come out properly. I made stuffed chicken breast, stuffed with tomato and mushrooms, with a white wine basil sauce, with roasted potatoes, brocolli and baby carrots. It was good and Lindy came over and had some and we watched Big Bang Theory, as there was a marathon of it on comedy today. Afterward we had a coffee and half an aero bar, and Lindy went home and I folded some laundry, and just sat at the computer doing nothing really.

Around 8:30pm or so, I ran a bath, moved the computer out to the living room and started writing. Tomorrow is the first day of my second year at Fanshawe, and I also work.. there is a small chance that I will go insane over the next little while, but only time will tell. I go to school for 9am, so I need to leave around 8:00am, and then I go straight to work afterward for 2pm, and I work unil 8pm, so I should get home aroun 9:30pm or so, so only a 13.5 hour day tomorrow... *cough*

While tomorrow is going to be tough for me, with the anxiety about going back to school, the fact that there is no time for me to eat, and then how I have to work almost a full shift afterward, leads me to believe such. Luckily, I'm very much looking forward to Wednesday, and will for sure have a good day then, especially considering I don't work. Here's hoping I stay sane and survive this week...

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