
Writing Photography Rambling

September 30, 2011 1:28AM

I Swear They're Just For Sex

So I haven't written in a day or two, and this is mostly due to exhaustion I guess, but maybe because I just forgot to after taking a sleeping pill and working on random bullshit.

Today was a pretty important in that I had two assignments/important things at school, and I managed to wake up on time and eat breakfast, get on the bus to school and get there at a good time. I had a math test, which I didn't do that great on, however I thought I knew it all, or at least most of it, but I didn't do as well as I had though, which sucks. I really need to start doing better in that class or I'm gonna be pissed.

After math we had a two and a half hour break just because of the way the timing came together, so we went to Oasis and got breakfast... I got scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast, and bought an orange juice to go with it. It was okay I guess... it's $5.25 plus the drink, so it wasn't that cheap, and most of it was cold or poorly made, so it wasn't all that exciting. I'm pretty sure I almost fell asleep like six times during that break as we just sat at a table. I was so tired... so, so tired.

In communications I had an in class assignment, where we had to read a newspaper article and then summarize it into a couple paragraphs. It was pretty easy, but during that assignment, I got a call and then eventually Julie came on Facebook chat and told me that I didn't have to come in to work because the new cooks got enough prep done that they didn't my help so I didn't need to come in to work! This made me pretty happy, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. Calen gave me a ride home, and once home I tried to work on some homework.

While working on the homework, I actually fell asleep in my chair, sitting up, which was... uhh.. not that funny, but you know, hilarious. I tried to go and lay down in bed a couple times but just couldn't fall asleep for whatever reason. Eventually at around 5:00pm, I did manage to fall asleep, and I woke up feeling like shit, and actually feeling more tired than when I laid down in the first place.

Once up, I figured I should make some dinner, but I kinda felt like shit, I felt groggy and kind of sick, and didn't really feel like eating, but I made dinner anyway, even though I didn't really enjoy it for those reasons. I made poached salmon on a bed of jasmine rice, with steamed asparagus and baby carrots, covered in hollandaise. If I was feeling better I probably would've enjoyed it more, but it just made me feel kind of bleh, but.. ah well.

Tomorrow I've got school at 12pm, so I've got to get up around 10:15am and leave by 11:00am. I probably wouldn't have gone to school tomorrow but I have another assignment in communications, so I have to go... and then I work at 5pm, so I pretty much need to go straight there afterward. It shouldn't be a bad shift though, I'm pretty sure that the shift is just for prepping for Saturday, so it should be a pretty relaxed shift, where I can organize myself and not get stressed out.

I'll be going to bed soon... I realize it's late, but I had a night... the type of night that makes your mind run through things. Not necessarily a bad thing, but... I could think of a few ways that my night could've ended better. Anyway, off I will go to sleep, in about ten minutes.

645 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere


October 01, 2011
hmmmmm .to the last paragraph

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