
Writing Photography Rambling

September 30, 2012 8:52PM

Headache Blergh

Today was very busy at work, with normal hotel breakfast for 80, a special breakfast for 70 to 80 down the hall at the same time, another breakfast upstairs for 30 and brunch for about 80, I cooked for about 260 people or something... the morning was busy and stressful and my heart was beating and I couldn't breath that well, but... it all went perfectly, and it was fine.

I'm very tired and have an exhaustion headache, with clogged sinuses that happens when I get tired... ugh.

I got home and cleaned up, doing the dishes, cleaning the litter and taking the garbage and recycling to the curb. Afterward I made some spaghetti and watched Jimmy, had a pudding for dessert but for whatever reason the taste of it disgusted me and I almost threw up... drank a coffee... and played Torchlight 2 for an hour while I watched the Danny Michel DVD.

After that, it was already about 8pm, so I decided to have a bath, have a snack and relax and read. I read the first chapter of one of my new books, Tony Danza's book about being a teacher for a year. It's enjoyable, maybe because I enjoyed the show so much, but also because I find it to be an interesting situation.

Tomorrow I work 6-2 and it's slow, so who knows what that might mean. I may get a lot of prep done, or I might get sent home early...either way it should be a lot less stressful than today. I also work Tuesday which is kind of slow as well, and then I have Wednesday and Thursday off, which are busy, and then I'm back Friday.

I'm going to read and sleep.

283 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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