
Writing Photography Rambling

January 05, 2012 11:43PM

An Adventure

So I worked yesterday until 4pm... you know, boring slow day, went home a bit early, whatever, normal day for this time of the year. I started walking to the bus stop, just getting to the bottom of the hill, when a car pulled up and it was Sherry with two servers, and asked me if I wanted a ride, so I said sure! I do that sometimes, regardless of how something makes me feel, I push myself to simply say yes to every question... yeah, I lived my life like that for like three years, got into drugs, alchohol, met tons of new friends, and it didn't help me grow as a person at all, but that's a whole other story.

In the car was Sherry, a banquet captain, and Kevin and Heather, two servers I don't know too well. We dropped Kevin off first, and after we started going again, Heather asked me if I had plans, or if I wanted to go get a drink. I did my thing, that thing where I just say yes, regardless of anything, and Sherry chimed in and said she would come too, so off we went to park at Heather's place and then walk to Scot's Corner - about a block or two away.

It was about 5pm at that point, and we started with one pitcher, and then two, and then three, and then shots of tequila, and then we walked back to Heathers and Sherry went home, so Heather and I dial-a-beer'd and got a 24 of Coors Light, drank some more. I dyed her hair and a couple people came to visit, and it was a lot of fun... an interesting first encounter with someone I didn't know. It's random, and it's so rare that something that positive could just randomly happen. I ended up taking a cab home around midnight because I started getting a pretty painful headache, almost like I was getting hungover before I had finished drinking.

I was a little hungover in the morning... but mostly it wore off while I slept... not the best sleep, tossing and turning, headache, discomfort - you know how it is. Julie drove me to work, and we spent the day getting some stuff ready for work, but it was fairly slow, and boring, and we left at 6pm.

We drove to her house so she could get changed, and we talked with Pat for a bit, eventually leaving for the grocery store. We wanted to make a nice dinner, so we bought some things, and went to the beer store to get some drinks for tomorrow's staff party pre-drinking ceremony. Once home, I cleaned up as I normally did while I had Jimmy Fallon on, and eventually we started dinner.

Julie made the main course... I was too tired, to exausted to do anything requiring effort, so I let her take the reins. She made a wonderful mushroom tomato sauce with spaghetti, and I made toasted baguette with boursin cheese spread over it... so good. Dinner was wonderful, and we watched episodes of Dexter while eating, eventually having a coffee and yawning a buttload.

Now, Julie is sleeping on the small couch, I had a bath, and now I'm writing this, as I wait for Calen to get home so we can play some co-op Halo before I go to sleep.

Tomorrow is a day off, and the Windermere staff party. Julie and I might go for breakfast early, and then Calen and I are going to get bus passes at Fanshawe around 11am, and then pre-drinking party at Mel's at around 6pm. I think it should be a good, but busy.

Oh Calen is here, so now I will stop writing!

625 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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