
Writing Photography Rambling

February 02, 2012 11:33PM


It was an active, busy day today, something that doesn't regularly occur. A day that I would classify as good, as fun, as enjoyable; Memorable, calming and satisfying.

I woke up at 6:00am or maybe a bit later... I had set the alarm for 5:15am or something, because Julie's car was dead the day before and she offered me a ride but only if her car started, so I had to wake up at a time where I could still make the bus if I had to. Anyway, I slept through the alarm and woke up at a time where if her car didn't start, the only way I could make it to work would be via a cab. So regardless, I woke up and called Julie to wake her up so she could test out her car, and it worked, so I took my time and made coffee and enjoyed a bagel and cream cheese. I browsed the internet and tried my best to wake up and not feel anxious about going to work. You know, the normal stuff that I do every day and write about everyday and do over and over again until I go crazy and my mind breaks and I can't do it anymore.

Work was alright... it felt like it rushed by. It was a giant asian lunch... like... a giant, asian lunch, not a giant asian, lunch. A giant asian lunch, which is a chicken stir fry and pad thai, served with mixed greens and a mushroom vegetable salad, and squares and stuff. I started working on all the cold stuff, Allen made the chicken stir fry and Julie made the pad thai. Lunch was over before I knew it and we all cleaned up, it was about 1:30pm and I sent a text to Julie and she text back with, "go home!" so I signed out.

The reason I signed out early, and wanted to, was because I had arranged to be picked up from Masonville mall at 4:30pm after Lindy was done work, so I had some time to go to the mall and do some cloth shopping. As everyone probably knows, I hate shopping. Shopping is the most nerve wracking activity that I could take part in, and I avoid it which is weird, because I love clothes. I love being creative and taking unique or unexpected pieces of clothing and making them my own, fitting them to my style and somehow making them look good. I like to go for irony and wear unexpected things, I like the feeling and confidence that comes with getting new clothes that you feel good about. I would love to regularly go shopping and get new things to wear and always feel fresh and new and exciting, but it's difficult. I get all weird and picky and it feels like everyone, everywhere is staring at me, and watching what I do, and it freaks me out, even though I'm aware of how stupid it is. I get nervous and rush through things or circle the same place being weird and obsessive compulsive.

Anyway, as I was walking down the path behind the cafe to go catch the bus, a car started coming at me as if it were to hit me, and it turned out to be Nikita and Mel... Nikita was dropping Mel off work and asked me where I was going, and she was going to the mall too, so I hopped in and she drove me. We walked around for a little bit looking for birthday cards and sashes and random things, but we parted ways when I got to Zellers so I could go about my weird business.

I looked around in Zellers until around 3:00pm... walking away with a new pair of jeans, a sweater and a dress shirt (and new socks and underwear, naturally). I was pretty happy with the things I got, although was kind of annoyed with their lack of selection. I mean, how hard is it to offer a good selection of attractive clothes. Why so many terrible looking shirts and sweaters, why so many terrible looking pants? Why is everything so big? Anyway, I managed to find something, so I considered that a success. At 3pm, I left and sat at a bench and waited for Bekki to arrive from school to finish shopping with me for the hour and a half we had.

We started getting a cold spring roll, yeah, that's right, a cold spring roll. We walked around from store to store looking for shoes and sweaters... it was difficult to find anything really, most things weren't quite what I was looking for, or if there was something nice, it was usually like $80 or more, which was a tiny bit out of my price range, not because I couldn't afford it, but just because I didn't feel it was worth it. Happiness/confidence versus cost thing... didn't add up. I ended up finding a pair of shoes that I liked, so I got those, and I ended up having luck at Tip Top Tailors, a place I had never really been in, and seems to be geared towards business men, like.. older, professionals. I found an awesome zip up argyle sweater, and a nice brown sweater... I may post pictures at some point, depends on what kind of mood I'm in.

We got home around 5:00pm or so, and I was starving, so I tried to figure out what to make for dinner... I didn't have quite the right ingredients for anything, but I did have some random vegetables (cauliflower, radish, mushrooms, peppers, onion) so I cooked off some beef tenderloin and made a nice beef stir fry on rice vermicelli. I did the dishes and cleaned a tiny bit (not quite as much as I had hoped or wanted to, but there are distractions, and I was hungry), and we ate around 5:30 or 6... I don't remember!

I just had a bath and now I'm watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report, and then I need to go to sleep. Early day again tomorrow... 7am again, so it'll be another long, sleepy day... what else is new? I've got to take the bus tomorrow unless I want to pay for a cab... which is tempting. I'll probably set my alarm for the bus time, but then reset it for the cab time when I wake up. It's kind of a thing I do... my thing.

Tomorrow night I'm going to a birthday dinner for Mel, and then walking to APK Live for a show (if I get in without ID) and then Saturday is a day off, so I can either relax, or recover from a hangover, who knows!? Today was a good day, today was a productive, off routine, not normal, but good, satisfying day. I'm going to bed feeling good about it, and that's significant... significant.

1158 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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