
Writing Photography Rambling

February 17, 2012 12:34AM

Journey 2: The Movie Theatre

Today could've been better as far as feeling physically okay goes, as I've felt pretty slow, groggy and crappy most of the day (or all of the day) and there were a few moments where, for no reason I could explain, I felt a bit low otherwise, but the day itself was pretty satisfying mentally, and that's important to remember.

It was a pretty busy day, jam packed with fun activities and going-ons. Woke up around 9:30am and decided to make some lunch right off the bat. I had Sheppard's Pie beef left over, and a container of home made tomato sauce (diced tomatoes basically) so I mixed the two together in a pot, added chili powder, other herbs and spices, turning it into chili and cooked a pot of jasmine rice, and plopped the chili on top in a bowl and enjoyed that for lunch.

After lunch, Bekki and I took a bus to UWO so Bekki could go talk to a professor (or something related) for a few minutes, and then we got back on the bus and headed to Silvercity. We had decided the night before that we would go see Journey 2, the (generally) kid aimed movie starring Dwayne Johnson and Michael Caine. Not only did we see that movie, but we saw it in 3D on an IMAX screen, and it was pretty awesome. We were essentially alone in the giant theatre (there was one family two rows ahead of us, and that was it). We shared a popcorn and enjoyed the movie... it was pretty good. It was funny, interesting and light hearted, and I enjoyed it. It made me want to read Jules Verne, but as I found out after the movie, the books, which are relatively small, are expensive.

After the movie, we walked over to Chapters to browse books. I didn't find anything but I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, so I suppose that was expected. I wanted to get a Jules Verne book but I was disappointed with the size and price ratio, so I decided against it. Once finished there, we went to Loblaws, as we had planned on picking up a rack of lamb for dinner and having a nice late meal together, which we did, but while we were in there, I discovered full beef tenderloins on sale for 50% off, so I bought two (for $40 a piece... a great deal) and a few odds and ends, and we headed home. Bekki got off at her home, and I kept going to my place.

Once home I started thawing the lamb, and then sat down and finished some work on some coding projects, and started to input some of my receipts for my food cost tracking thing I've been working on. Eventually Bekki headed over and I started to cook dinner, sitting down to eat a nice lamb dinner while watching Parks and Rec. Afterward I played some Bioshock 2, coded a bit more - fixing a few annoying bugs - and finally ended up back in the living room with the computer and a blank entry window open.

Tomorrow I work 9am to 5pm, and I'm not sure what's happening, so that usually leaves me feeling pretty uneasy, so yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I don't really want to go to sleep, I don't really feel like I just had two days off... I want to melt into the couch and zone out, play tons of games and never worry about anything. I feel like I just came from work and didn't get any time away from it.

I think that's all I've got to write about right now. I feel as though I'm leaving a bunch out, like personal stuff. Like what's going through my head right now, and lately, and yesterday and tomorrow. Or about how I feel like shit right now, like how I'm dizzy and sick to my stomach and I can feel a migraine coming and my head is starting to pound harder and harder. My anxiety and disinterest with sleeping... oh well... you know.. it's all repetitive stuff at this point.

693 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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