
Writing Photography Rambling

July 16, 2012 10:47PM


It was a hot one today and it had an effect on the level of activity and enthusiasm. I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish, and didn't get through them, and I've yet to decide if I am disappointed by this, or don't give a shit about it, and I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I mean, I wanted to do some things, specifically things that wouldn't normally be on my to-do list... nothing special but just a certain few things that I felt needed to be done, but I didn't get to all of them, but I suppose I got to the important ones. I went to the store, did the laundry, made a nice dinner and made a cake from scratch for dessert.

I woke up on my own this morning and I didn't feel super shitty or anything, I just kind of got up and decided it was time to be up. Bekki complains of waking up feeling sore and uncomfortable, and thought it was perhaps the mattress, and when I woke up, I think I found the cause. She was twisted and sleeping with her neck all the way pressed back, and it looked so uncomfortable. I couldn't help but take a picture of her, so I could show her when she got up.

I got up and had a bowl of Raisin Bran for breakfast, followed by some toast and coffee... I figred if I ate that much I might feel more awake and alive through the day, and... I guess it worked, as I haven't felt super tired all day, only now am I started to feel a bit sleepy, and it's already 9:30pm. It was a pretty nice breakfast, and I enjoyed it while I sat at the computer, as is the tradition that I've kept going for years now. Nothing out of the ordinary - just keeping up on Facebook, Twitter, Penny-Arcade and related things. I don't quite remember everything from the early morning, but I think I played a mission of WarCraft 3 and listened to some GFW Radio... eventually Bekki woke up and joined me around 10:30am, and that's basically when I consider the day had officially started.

I quickly realized that I had nothing to eat for lunch in the house, as has been the case for a few weeks now... it's been a problem really, not having anything to eat for lunch specifically, and to a bit of a lesser extent, not having anything to eat for dinner unless I plan one specific meal. I'm not sure what the problem is, as it's not like we're not spending money on food, but there just is never anything to make for lunch, and I either don't have the time or energy or thought to sit down and plan things, and if I happen to be home for lunch during the day, it's a terrible thing, to be hungry and to be about that time, and the only option is to go to the store and spend more money. Anyway, I decided to go to the store, ahem, because I wanted to eat a nice lunch, and also because I needed to buy some metal scrubbies to clean some pots that I had used to make homemade macaroni and cheese (which was fucking amazing), so since I was planning on going anyway, might as well pick up some food.

Bekki has been into eating a specific salad... It's like a Cobb salad without the egg and with pecans on top, and so I thought I would make us those for lunch, because I wanted to do something nice for her. I gathered my crap that I needed to get to the store, my debit card, iPod, phone and backpack, and decided to ride the bike there because I felt strangely energetic. I listened to Foster the People on my trip, and picked up greens, green onion, blue cheese, blue cheese dressing, bacon... all of the stuff for the salads, and also grabbed a whole chicken for an idea I had for dinner (as I walked by them). I quickly rode back home, sweating terribly, and unloaded the food.

Wow I'm a fucking terrible writer.

Using the newly aquired metal scrubbies, I finished up the dishes that needed to be done and then made us lunch which we enjoyed together. After lunch I started the laundry, and played some games until around 2pm. I decided a few days ago that I wanted to make one of my Grandpa's cakes that he always made, a peach torte. I've made it before, and it's challenging, because it's made with layers and a lot of time sensitive stuff, but I wanted to make it, so I did. I had a hard time processing the information on the recipe, and kept going back and forth, back and forth, reading and re-reading the same information, and still screwed it up. I used normal sugar when I was supposed to use powdered sugar, and undercooked it and had to put it back in, and yeah... I dunno... something in my head was fucked up, and it showed in how the cake turned out, but once I covered it in whipped cream and peaches, it looked okay, and it tasted pretty good, so it all worked out.

After the cake was ready and cooling, I started preparing dinner. I prepared half chickens, rubbed with oil, sage, thyme, salt and pepper, roasted in the oven until the skin was nice and crispy, served with tiny mini red potatoes, and green beans and baby carrots. I even made chicken gravy from scratch that turned out tasting pretty good. It was a nice dinner, and the chicken turned out really nice... we watched Cash Cab while we ate, and enjoyed large pieces of cake for dessert.

Such a bad writer.

Music can trigger memories and feelings, and often times people in your life can have music that brings forth memories of times with them, or even just them in general, and most recently I think Foster The People immediately brings thoughts of Bekki to me, and I think it always will. I think about her and her smiling and her doing her adorable and equally wahjah-enducing dancing, and I can't help but smile or smile inside, and feel good. It doesn't hurt tha it's such a good album, but I thought it was worth recording that interesting fact! I say wahjah with love, in that it will probably always make me feel that way because I could never feel comfortable enough to dance, even in private, because I just can hear the voices in my head judging me, or criticizing me, and I don't mean wahjah in a mean way. It's lovable and cute and awesome, and embodies one of the many reasons I love her and love being around her.

After dinner Bekki went to the Gym and I played Borderlands for a little bit but had a bit of a difficult time relaxing and concentrating, as seems to the case most of the time. I eventually moved to the couch and played Chrono Trigger on my iPhone, a game that I bought forever ago but didn't play that much. For the first couple weeks I played it at the bus stop and sometimes on the bus, but it was the winter and I remember it being really cold on my hands, so I stopped, and then eventually got away from playing it, but now I've been wanting to play through it, and it's fun... the only downside is the virtual thumbstick that it uses... the iPhone is a touchscreen, and the game was made to use a controller, so it can be awkward, but the only thing that really suffers is the control stick functionality... it can be difficult to do delicate movements, as sometimes they don't run in the direction you were wanting, but I'm trying my best to not get annoyed with that.

As for the rest of the night, I'm not really sure what will happen. I may play/watch Bekki play Final Fantasy X, and I may stay up after that and edit this entry to add some images into it, or write some more... or maybe I'll read. I honestly don't know.

Tomorrow is school at 1pm, until 5pm... not looking forward to going but I'm pretty sure I will be. Not much else to say about that.

1418 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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