
Writing Photography Rambling

July 16, 2004 10:07PM

Final Wind Fantasy Waker 10!

Okay, well... You know what? I'm not going to even write about what's happened between my last 'real' update (as put by Dylan) and this one. Why? Because that would be a lot of fucking writing... and I'd just give up half way through and you people would never get an update out of me. Since you are so eaglerly awaiting said update, I shall commence the writing of a glorious and amazing paragraph which will enlighten you all to my lovely experiences.

Let's start with today... because I'm not sure exactly how far back I want to go... today seems like far enough for the time being. Disappointed? Fuck you. bastards... I went bowling today. yes. that's right. bowling. Bowling kicks so much ass. As per our annual event in honour of Benjamin Shirleys birthday, we went bowling at Fleetway with the Wardenmeister (Phil - Bens Dad) and Maggie (Erin was missing in action this year), and I, of course, played horribly, but had lots of fun. This is just something Ben and I and Phil do each year, not sure why, but we started it a long time ago when we were kids and I just don't see it stopping any year soon. It's lots of fun... and brings back good memories. So, yeah.. it was fun. lots of it. fun that is. Ben and Phil dominated with Maggie shortly behind, while I was.. . so far ahead the computer couldn't calculate a number that reached that high.. so I don't remember my score. Right? Right. After bowling we went to the Dairy Queen which is located in the bowling alley, and bought a treatsa pizza, which was prety good except for the nuts (you know I hate nuts in my mouth). After we finished eating, we were off and we got home from bowling around 5:30pm.

Once home I made myself supper - leftover meat loaf, mashed potatos and corn (one of my famous specialties as I'm sure my readers know) and watched the Simpsons while I ate. It heated up in the microwave great... although the potatos got hot a lot quicker than the meatloaf so it was kinda uneven in warmth, but I made sure they were both hot enough and it actually tastes great. If Emily doesn't eat them tomorrow, then I'm probably gonna have the rest for lunch because I really enjoyed it. After I was finished eating, Emily decided to play some more The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, so I watched her play.

I'm not sure if I wrote much about the game when I intially and partially played through it, so I guess I'll just mention now how awesome it is. The cellshading graphics and effects are amazing and unimaginably immersive. There is never fps slowdown or anything, everything flows so smoothly and beautifuly. As for the gameplay, it's pretty much just a modified version of the Ocarina of Time. L-Targetting to focus on specific objects, the same sword moves, even the Wind Waker is similar to playing the Ocarina. Hell, they even used some of the exact same music and sound effects, but that's forgivable, as they'd never do any better than they did in Ocarina.

When Emily isn't playing Wind Waker, we're playing through Final Fantasy X together and enjoying the unimaginbly orgasmic storyline. Right now we're at about three hours in and she's already falling in love with the characters, and I'm loving reliving the tale. Everything about this game is just so amazing to me. The storyline is one of the best, most involving, emotional and awesome stories I've ever read/seen/heard. I mean, if this was a book, it would be bestselling literature, if it was a movie, it would be a blockbuster hit... it's just so awesome. The gameplay is solid; fights start of simple and easy and quickly increase in difficulty to test the players skills. Aeons are very impressive and have quite a bit of strategy when selecting which to use, as well as what abilities to use. Blitzball adds a whole other game inside the game, which adds hours and hours of replayability to the game... I mean, I could sit there for hours just playing Blitzball... in fact, I have. The graphics are breathtaking, the soundtrack is beyond amazing and suitable for every situation. This is the perfect RPG. Thank you. Don't argue. If you don't agree, you're wrong.

I've been enjoying Manson a lot lately, as well as VNV Nation more than any healthy person should... so... go listen. now. There is just something magical about VNV Nation lyrics that connect with me on a level I never thought possible. Like every word he says somehow relates to whats going on in my life at the time. The music flows through me and his words as well, and it's just an amazing experience and I instantly feel in love with all of their music. I recommend everyone give them a chance, even if you don't think you're one for the genre. Don't be close minded... be open and you'll find many more opprotunities to enjoy life.

I think that's all I'm gonna go into... I had some good times and some bad times over the last week or two, and if you don't know of what they were, well then.. I guess you're out of luck. I suppose if you really want to go into detail about what I did, you can send me a comment demanding me to do so... but since MOST people don't understand the concept of submitting a comment (through email or MSN) thats unlikely to happen. Another option would to just ask me to tell you... but hey, wheres the fun in that? hehe, I'm just lazy and don't want to write a weeks worth of stuff down...

I'm gonna teach Emily HTML and probably eventually play Final Fantasy X now! I hope you enjoyed the update Dylan.

Click here for a rare shot of perhaps the biggest losers ever
yes they are in fact dressed up as FFX characters and proud of it

in case you forgot what i looked like...

its a bit later now and i wanted to write some more. i added a few images, as well as added a bit more content to my earlier writing; also added a few paragraphs below

Oh, before I forget, I've also been downloading and watching tons of Home Movies episodes and I hurt from laughing so much. Sweet mother of god, the writers of this show (Brendan Small thank you very much) are genious. The way it's voiced (by Brendan himself, the producer and his good friend).. it just makes it so much more funny. Oh lord... it is definitley become my favorite show, right up there with Family Guy. Coach McGuirk is my hero... Seriously. I want to be him. and work on my pecks.. until I can eat off of them. I mean, then my hands would be free to do whatever they wanted. That right there is worth it. I mean, I could quite easily STEER a car with my pecks if I were to work out enough, or lift small heavy objects and place them between my pecks and carry them around. Yes... this is what I'll do.

Quote of the Day

The sidewalks are full of love's ugly children says:
Over The Stars says:
Over The Stars says:
i'd love to go to sleep listening to your tub
The sidewalks are full of love's ugly children says:
The sidewalks are full of love's ugly children says:
thats the best thing i've ever heard

Emily and I played Final Fantasy X for a couple hours, and before that I cooked and consumed Peroges (spelled horribly of course) and I watched her play Zelda. It was a fun night... now Emily is asleep and I got in a really ... creative.. writing.. so-much-energy-im-going-to-explode kinda mood... so I let her sleep and came back to the computer to try and express the creativity in some way... which I somewhat did, although not quite as much as I had hoped. I mean... I've had this site for two and a bit years in its current form, five years in total, and I've yet to complete most of it. There ar estill sections I haven't even began work on... there are articles I have on paper that I could write up and upload. I have stories I haven't written up for the site, reviews of games... why can't I just sit down and do this stuff? Whenever I try it feels like my mind is going to explode and implode at the same time. I've come to the conclusion that what I feel when I'm manic and can't keep my attention on anything can't be described in words, it can only be felt, and I don't think many could understand what I mean... but it's unbearable to feel it. hmmm.. I guess I'm kinda rambling on now...

Goodnight Everyone

1510 words

No Tags
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily


January 01, 2000
so THAT'S what you look like...heh I forgot. yeah Zelda kicks so much ass it's ridiculous, and I want to marry Tidus, although it might be nice if he marries Yuna...yeah that would be sweet. *sleeps*

January 01, 2000
oh wow I did forget what you looked like sanks for showing me again

January 01, 2000

January 01, 2000
Damnit! I read it before going to bed this morning, and now i come back to the site, and see an expanded update, but all still stuck together. You forced me to read it twice and I demand my 2 minutes for this morning back. Otherwise that, Manson rules

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