
Writing Photography Rambling

February 05, 2016 9:36PM

A Difficult Time of The Year

Today was not as nice as I like for a Friday. It was not quite as relaxed as work as most Fridays, especially because we had a big meeting involving everything (which rarely, if ever happens). It caused work to feel a bit more stressful than I like, which tends to happen a lot lately. I wish I could relax more at home but I pretty much fail hard at that. 

Today was grocery shopping day, and it went okay. I got pretty hot while in the store, and it seemed busier than normal, which is always terrible. I felt a little flustered and annoyed by everyone, and was happy to be finally finished.

I bought Bekki a peanut butter cupcake, and got some really nice beef tenderloin from the butcher. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite activities. Beyond the annoyances of having to deal with so many annoying and ignorant people at the grocery store, grocery shopping brings me a unique feeling of freedom. It also scratches that itch of getting to spend money. I almost always pick up a treat or two and I think that satisfies my desire to spend money. Instead of spending it on video games, or expensive clothes, or whatever, I buy a nice brick of artisan cheese. It makes me feel good, and makes me feel wealthy in a way.

So it's the weekend now, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I have no plans, no ideas written down, no chores planned. I want to try to have a real relaxing weekend, but it seems like I always say that. I want to think of a game to play; a game I can sit down and enjoy, but I don't really know what that is at this point. I'll have to do some chores for sure, and I'll need to mix in some relaxing to make me feel like I earned it.

I've been learning a lot of new PHP, especially related to testing, documentation, and standards. I want to continue to learn and expand my knowledge, and I may begin to learn Python, mainly because the idea of not knowing something really kinda bothers me. I need to think of a reason to make something though, I can't just make a hello world program, I need to write something with a clear purpose, in order to motivate me to do it. I'm going to brainstorm this over the weekend and see what I can come up with. There are even more things I'd like to learn, including NodeJS, Ruby and Go. I just don't know enough about them to know why I would want to use one over the other, and I'm not sure what to build in them in order to learn.

Maybe I'll look into it over the weekend, learning stuff is great!

I'm just spending the evening with my wife, watching more Life on the TV. Currently there are whales swimming around and mating. It's way more interesting than it sounds. Because of the grocery shopping, I didn't get home until very late, around 6:15pm or so, and then we had canelloni for dinner, which takes an hour, so we didn't even finish dinner until 7:30pm or later, so there really hasn't been a lot of time to do things tonight.

Oh man, one of the cats just took a big poop and it smells pretty bad right now. I'm going to have to finish writing and go scoop that shit up because oh man it is pretty intense.

Good night and I will most likely write tomorrow!

625 words

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  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Bekki is Pregnant

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