
Writing Photography Rambling

August 28, 2016 9:30PM

Transition, Excitement, Fun

We've renewed our Final Fantasy XIV subscription, a new World of Warcraft expansion comes out tomorrow night, our baby is arriving sometime in the next couple weeks, and things seem to be moving very quickly when previously it felt like life was standing still.

I started up World of Warcraft again about a week or two ago because the new expansion was coming and I wanted to get familiar with the game again after taking a year or so off from it. Also, around the same time, Bekki started playing Final Fantasy XIV again because she had finished school, and staying home all day with nothing to do gave her a lot of free time where she could be doing something really fun.

World of Warcraft is fun, and interesting, although no where near as good as it was in the height of Wrath of the Lich King. I mean, that's just from the perspective of a player coming back after a long abense at the end of an especially long, dry, drawn out expansion. The game is fun, in the same way that questing has always been relaxing and fun, but they've pruned the abilities so much that playing my Death Knight is basically just pressing two buttons, sometimes a third, and not having to think, or look, or really do anything but just smash a couple keys with my forehead. People argue that more buttons doesn't equal more complexity, but I'd argue that three buttons does not equal a game.

I got back into it, remembered how to play, and pretty much got caught up as far as I wanted to, and I'm excited to jump into the expansion right away. A fresh start, I won't be way behind in gear or experience, there will be new things to do, experience to gain and all that. I have faith that it will be a very enjoyable, addicting experience.

In the meantime, I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV a bit, completing all the hard dungeons I didn't do when I was playing last, and getting back into questing, although the game is quite a bit more slow paced than something like WoW. It's fun, and it's a game that Bekki and I can play together in, so that adds an extra enjoyment. It doesn't hurt that she's actually good, so I don't have to pretend to say she's good.

Besides the games, I've continued to read a ton of Stephen King. I've probably never written about it, but around my birthday, I started collecting Stephen King books out of nowhere. I read 11/22/63, the first Stephen King book I had ever read, and I loved it, I love it a lot. Bekki got me a bunch of his books for my birthday, and I pretty much became obsessed with collecting every book he's ever written (not including like... screenplays, etc). Anyway, over the last couple months, I've read 10 books, and I'm working on my 11th. I spend a lot of time reading, and I find it relaxing, and awesome, and being transported to another world is an amazoing feeling. My favorite book so far has been The Shining, but I've significantly enjoyed Pet Semetary, Misery and some of the short stories in Everything's Eventual were really, really good.

Our due date is September 13th, and our O.B. says he wouldn't want the baby to go overdue, so we'll most likely not go over that date, which means our baby will be here very soon, within two weeks! We're prepared and eager and can't wait.

621 words

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  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Bekki is Pregnant

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