August 28, 2006 2:44AM
Today was pretty standard I guess, nothing really out of the ordinary happened.
I woke up somewhat late, but not super late... probably around 1am or so. Once I was up I said hello to my friends, pet the cats and ate a bagel with yummy cream cheese. Afterwards I talked with my Mom for a half hour or so about random things like we always do... usually about whatever episode of House she's watched recently, or what episode of Charmed or DS9 I've watched the day before.
The day was spent chatting and watching Charmed on and off, listening to my newly downloaded Pink albums (all four baby!) and stuff along those lines.
Later on, I ate spagetthi for supper and watched the third episode of Deep Space Nine, which I haven't seen in forever. Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm watching through Deep Space Nine again, since I haven't really watched it since the late 90's. I'm also near the end of season two of Charmed, with season three waiting for me.
After supper, I played some UT2004, and the strangest thing happened... four humans just all joined my games a few minutes apart from each other, and all of a sudden Michelle and I were running around fighting real humans rather than bots, and this was the first time a person had joined my server, I never really expected anyone to see it. Of course I won every match by a lot, so that made me feel good about my mad skillz yo.
After UT2004, I watched First Contact and it was pure asskickery, and then some more UT, then I had a bath, watched Charmed, and now here I am.
I'm probably going to watch another episode and then go to sleep since I'm starting to get sleepy from pills now.
306 words
- I lived on Grey St.
- Michelle was my Roommate
For a nic evening, and your ass kicking of your_a_geek and arane!
I think you COULD be the Pwnerer!
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