
Writing Photography Rambling

May 23, 2022 11:20PM

I'm Back

After a five year absence of writing, I’ve decided to make my return to recording my boring day to day experiences, because using it as kind of history book has too much value to me to just let this die. So much has happened and changed in the last five years that it would be impossible to do a complete catch-up style entry, so instead I’ll pass on that, and just give a brief overview, with other details emerging organically as I continue writing into the future.

As the saying goes, the more life changes, the more it stays the same. I could make a long list of all the changes I’ve experienced over the last five years, but I could also make an equally long list about all the things that remained the same. I started writing on this website when I was 17 years old, and even before that in older iterations. I’m now going to be 38 next month, I’ve got two kids, a wife, a home and an established career. Writing moved far down the list of things I’d have time to do. The way things are lately, it’s all I can do to fit in three hours to myself a day, and spending half of that writing to nobody is a hard pill to swallow.

When I do get that free time, for the most part I spend every second of it playing games. It’s still a passion and hobby, and I have pretty recently got back into it - heavily. About a year ago or so I purchased a new, powerful PC which got me very much back into PC gaming - diving into steam, epic games, pc gamepass, humble bundle, etc. During that same year, I managed to purchase a Playstation 5, an Xbox Series X and of course owned a Switch already. All of this combined has grown my backlog immensely, and I spend all my free time trying to cross games off my list.  When the new year hit, I made an agreement with myself not to purchase any games this year, and only try to complete games in my backlog. I started a Google sheets spreadsheet to track the games I complete, so at the end of the year I would have a list with notes of all the games I beat. This is the type of thing I would’ve made an entire website for in the past, but now it’s just a spreadsheet.  It’s too much to write about right now, and I will expand on it in the future, but gaming remains a large part of my life.

As for work, I’ve been working from my basement since March 2020, and continue to work at Vicimus. I manage the development team, and remain working on automotive software solutions, typically developed in PHP and Angular. I’ve got a good relationship with my team and co-workers, and I enjoy the work; things are going well.

Moving forward, I want to start writing again - if not daily - at least a few times a week. I want to log the things I am doing, and feeling, and the experiences I share with my family. I have a lot to say that is trapped inside my head, with no outlet, so maybe it’ll be good to start writing again.

584 words

No Tags
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Lived In Dutton
  • Jensen is in grade school
  • Oliver is in daycare

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