
Writing Photography Rambling

May 23, 2007 2:29PM

Grocery Goodness

I was talking to my Sister yesterday evening around 8:30pm and I jokingly told her to drive me to get pizza cause I didn't want to walk, and she ended up driving over and taking me grocery shopping at the Loblaws Superstore, and then stopping at Pizza Pizza on the way home. We got most of the groceries we needed, and I just need to go to Valuemart for a couple of things I know they'll have, like buns and wraps.

My Sister bought a PS2 and Guitar Hero 1 and 2 on the weekend after playing it a bunch at friends and me telling her that PS2s are cheap now. She said she played it so much for the first two days that her arm and wrist was sore, just like when I first got it. I think it's good that she got it because games can add so much to your life. Give you something to do when you're bored, create reasons for people to come over, and of course experiencing new things, becoming better at problem solving and reading and experiencing great narrative.

I'm going to catch a bus around 4 and go to Valuemart, but until then I think I'm going to nap because I can't even keep my eyes open. I think I was woken up before I was ready to get up because I'm soooooo tired.

230 words

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