
Writing Photography Rambling

July 13, 2003 5:50AM

beautiful people tell you what to wear

I was archived June's entries, when I thought to myself, wow, I should update more often, and then I thought to myself, why don't I update more? Like right now... so, here I am, updating. Isn't that neat?

Let's see, what have I been up to recently? Well.. I've been playing a lot of console games. Killer Instinct Gold, Goldeneye, Extreme G. I've been listening to theStart and The Matches a lot... both very cool bands. I've obviously been spending a lot of time with Linzie too... I only worked for three hours on Friday and I don't work again until Tuesday. and here is the quote of the day:
"if you don't like Tiller then don't come here, instead just stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger"
I've been keeping good care of my piercing I think. I rinse a lot with Listerine... so much so that I've gone through half a bottle in three days (is it three days? I really don't know...) and I keep putting bactine on the outside. It doesn't hurt, but if I were to move the ring, it would probably. My ear doesn't really hurt anymore either, only when I grab it and try moving the earing around. I'm going to wait one more day to put in my new earing, then I'll let Linzie do it. My Mom was mad at me for awhile for getting my lip done, which I thought was stupid. She was just trying to make me feel guilty for doing something she doesn't like. Bah. Bah.... I think she's over it now.

I got new disks for my Iomega HipZip mp3 player, so I can listen to it again.. which is handly, so I don't have to burn CD's or worry about where they are or anything. It's dandy... and handy. hey, that rhymes.

I should be getting my laptop on Monday, according to the Puralotor tracking website... so that's cool, but I don't know if I'll be home to get it or not because Ben and I are going out bowling for his birthday, so that'll suck if I'm not home. Grr.

I guess I don't really have much more to talk about, so I guess I'll go... yup. I'm hungry and thirsty, something smells and I kinda have to pee. Bye bye.

390 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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