
Writing Photography Rambling

January 14, 2007 2:50PM

It's Golf Day!

Ghost (1990)

Last night I watched the movie Ghost and I've seen it a few times before as my Mom owns it on VHS (haha, VHS) but it had been awhile since I've watched it, and Michelle had never seen it, so I thought I would watch it, and I enjoyed it. It's funny, it's romantic, and it's cool, cause who doesn't think being able to be invisible would be badass? Good movie.

I slept in pretty late today (until around 12:30pm) but I've already done all my chores and started cooking tomatoes, so there wasn't anything not done due to me sleeping in. I stayed up pretty late last night watching the movie and then watching Seinfeld, so that's why I slept in... no big deal.

Today is golf day, where we play two golf tournaments and everyone hates each other and beats each other up over the scores. We're going to be playing one relatively easy course, and one pretty difficult course, so it should be interesting to see the results. Ally and I have found a pretty interesting trend while playing golf, in that alone we can do really well... just last night Michelle and I practiced on Princess Peach's Course, and I got a -2 (Michelle got a +28) but when you play in front of other people, you always do worse, so who knows how well I will do. For example, my average score on the first course (Lakitu Open) is around -14 or something, but when I played with the group, I only got -6 or something, that's no where near as good. So... the lack of concentration, and talking and joking around and stuff.. it really brings up the scores.

After watching the movie Fearless, I've wanted to see Jet Li in other things, so I downloaded Unleashed, and I'm in the process of downloading Hero, so I'm looking forward to watching those. Also, I recently watched The Grudge 2, and it made me think of the movie The Ring, so I downloaded that movie as well, and plan to watch it some night in the near future.

I guess that's all I've got to write about for now... I'll be sure to announce how everyone does in golf, and then we can all laugh at people who did poorly!

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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