
Writing Photography Rambling

January 14, 2005 12:00AM

oh, pretty feathers

In the last few days I've played a hundered million hours of Star Ocean: Till The End of Time, which I think I can successfully say I've gotten back into; heavily perhaps. I play until my back is sore and my eyes are heavy and my knees hurt from sitting. The story is so involving and interesting and original, it's refreshing and enjoyable beyond anything I could've imagine. There are certain cut-scenes and storyline movies that last upwards of a half an hour to an hour, where you can put the controller down and sit back and enjoy the story... for awhile it just feels like you're watching an awesome anime movie, except this one lasts about 80 hours. I'm really becoming attatched to Fayt, the main character. At first I thought he was pretty cool, due to his blue hair of course, but now I really like his personality, the way he thinks, and reacts. He's very unsure of himself, and now, as the story is getting deeper and deeper, he's becoming more and more confused, but at the same time, maturing and becoming more determined and responsible.

188 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I was with Emily


January 01, 2000
That's why I love watching people play video games. You get to watch a cool movie that's interactive.

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