
Writing Photography Rambling

September 18, 2008 10:30PM

Goodbye GFW

Over the last two and a half years I've been listening to the 1Up Network's series of podcasts, 1Up Yours, GFW Radio, EGM Live/1Up FM, Retronauts, Legendary Thread and the 1Up Show, and I've grown quite attatched to the writers, editors and staff there, and today was the very last GFW Radio, my favorite podcast, and it's actually pretty upsetting. Every week I look forward to Wednesday night and hit refresh waiting for the podcast to download, and on my way to and from work I usually listen to an episode, and I know the guys on the podcast better than a lot of people I know in real life, so they feel like friends in a weird way.

Jeff has decided to move on after 17 years and has moved to EA to work on the Sims brand, and Shawn has decided to begin work at 2K Boston with Ken Levine (Bioshock). Earlier this year, Sean Malloy left GFW to work at Blizzard on WoW, so... now that Ryan is the only one left (not to discount Chuf Love or Max Chill) I can see why the podcast has to end, but it still makes me sad. Think of it like how you feel when a tv series you've watched for years has come to an end, it's that same feeling.

It will be missed, and I'll be listening to "reruns" for a long time to come for sure.

Today was a day off, and I of course played WoW a lot. Michelle and I rarely do anything together anymore at all, so I went out of my way to create a situation where I could get her to do something by playing my mage who is on a level near one of her characters, so I got her to come on and we played together for a bit, and the rest of the time I played my hunter. It was a lot of fun, and I really, really wish I didn't work tomorrow.

Tonight is one of those nights where I feel really nervous and shitty about having to go to work tomorrow. The bad shit that went down inside me last work day is still there and I just hate that place right now. That place is fucked up and I deserve way better, but I'm too scared to look.

So I'll spend the rest of the night nervous and tapping my leg uncontrollably, maybe have a bath... I woke up later today, like around 10:30am, but I have to wake up at 5:40am, so I really should be in bed by around 11:30, and asleep by 12, but we'll see if that actually happens.

I made a badass stir-fry for dinner, and... yeah, that's about it.

458 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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