
Writing Photography Rambling

September 14, 2011 11:28AM

I Don't Write During The Day

I normally don't write during the day, it feels weird and I'm in a different state of mind, but I didn't write yesterday and I feel like I should before I forget, as you know... everyone would be really upset if I didn't! Right?

I had an hour of school yesterday, which is never anything to look forward to, considering the travel time is greater than the time spent actually learning. It's mainly because of the object oriented analyst class I have that's turned into a big review class because of some screw up with the profressor during the summer semester, where have the class is behind as a result. Due to not being retarded, I don't need the review, so sitting through that two hour class, three days a week, is a brutal test at staying awake, so chosing not to go in order to catch up on homework, catch up on sanity, or eat before going to work seem like much better options. I had an hour of advanced databases that I really felt like I should go to, so I don't get behind or get in the habit of missing classes, so I made the trip to school, attended the class, which lasted about 45 minutes, and then I had to make the trip home.

On the way home, I stopped at Valumart to buy a few things I had forgot to get at No Frills on Monday, mainly things I needed to eat a nice lunch, mayo, a freshly baked bun, cottage cheese and other things that I can only buy at Valumart. I eventually got home, after a few more bus rides, getting home around 11:00am, giving me about two hours before I had to leave for work. I used the time to eat a nice lunch, and watched the Daily Show and Colbert Report, but I was so unbelievably tired, my eyes kept shutting, and I just felt uncomfortable and tired, so I set my alarm for 12:50pm, and laid down and fell asleep instantly.

I got to work for 2pm, and the kitchen was pretty full at first, with many people working, but eventually by about 4pm or so, it emptied out and it was just Jon and myself. We first had a dinner buffet we had to get ready, so from 2pm to about 6pm, that's what all I worked on. I had to make salads because there weren't any made, and then I had to do things like cheese, fruit, cakes, chocolate strawberries and so on and so on, there was a lot to do, but by 6pm, I'd completed everything and could start getting things ready for the next day, which was important because it was going to be very busy.

At 6pm, I started making more salads, greek, corn and potato, and afterward did fruit for as many of the events that I could... this actually brought me all the way to 10pm, and Julie had come back from some dinner she had to go to with our general manager, so she offered to buy me a beer before she drove me home, so I said sure, cleaned up, and got changed, went to the cafe and had a Steamwhistle, a terrible, gross tasting beer.

After getting home, I pretty much took a sleeping pill right away, and had something to eat, and went to bed pretty early, around midnight.

Today I didn't go to class, because it was another one hour class, but the notes are posted online and it's math, and it's stuff we did last semester, and we have another math class tomorrow, so I figure it's okay. I'm using this time to try and relax by watching a movie and eating junk food, and then I'll need to leave for work around 2pm because I work again at 3pm until 9pm, a shift I'm not particularly looking forward to. Hopefully it will go well and I can come home and have an hour or two to relax before having to go to bed and start an early day tomorrow.

I feel weird the last couple days, kind of lonely, or unimportant. Isolated maybe... something. I feel something and it doesn't really feel that good. Blergh.

709 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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