
Writing Photography Rambling

September 14, 2010 11:26PM


It's late and I probably should be in bed already, but I suppose I say that almost every time I write something, so you'll have to forgive me for being repetitive, I usually just write the first thing that comes to mind and I always am aware of the stupidity of staying up later than I should.


Today was you know... a Tuesday, so I had three hours of school, one of which was a break, so two hours of class, programming and strategies for success, both a waste of time with nothing really accomplished. One hour isn't enough time to do anything, so we kind of just get started and have to pack it all up.

I was at school from 11am to 2pm, and got home around 2:45pm or so, and I had a snack/lunch (caesar salad) and watched some TV while I read my Java book.

Eventually I made dinner, which was a full rack of lamb, seared with cracked pepper, coarse sea salt and thyme and sage, with mashed potatoes, corn, and yellow beans, baby carrots and broccoli. I made a simple red wine sauce for dipping yummyness, and had a pickle and olive on the side.

After dinner, Ben and I played a few random 4v4s, eventually I logged on and raided a bit with the guild (which is kind of weird to be honest) and then I stepped out after four bosses so Nym could raid, and I played a couple more SC2 matches with Ben, before jumping in a bath and shaving, and now here I am in a towel writing this.

Tomorrow I've got three hours of class - databases - and it should be a joke. I'm off school at 11am, so I'll be going to the grocery store on the way home, doing the laundry, and maybe tidying up (no promises). I'm predicting tomorrow to be a good, "feel good" day, and I'm looking forward to the chance to clean up a bit, as I don't really have a day off anymore, I have something to do seven days a week, but Wednesday and Friday are by far the lowest active days, so I'll need to treat them as days off and get as much done as I can without going crazy or being too tired.

The laptop has been working perfectly this week, which is unexpected but a good thing, so I guess I don't need to worry about it for now.

Time to get in my PJs and head to bed, I'll talk to you guys later! haha.. I'm talking to myself... /sigh

438 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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