
Writing Photography Rambling

November 01, 2013 10:58AM


I'm trying pretty hard to get my shit together, as I feel as though I've completely fell apart over the last few months, and I'm only a fraction of the person I once was. I've taken steps to try and feel normal, to try and feel sane and okay.

I've been cleaning and being more organized, I've been not letting my exhaustion and apathy get me down or stop me from doing things as much, although I still have times I struggle, most often days where I work in the afternoon. I find it really hard to do anything before work, and I just find myself wasting time before I have to leave. I can't seem to make myself to school or even enjoy relaxing time.

I'm also having some motivation issues with school... finding it hard to continue projects or start new ones that aren't due right away, when I should be using free time to get ahead. I won't beat myself up though, I have time and one morning before work won't kill me, so tomorrow after work I'll do some school work and make a plan and schedule and maybe that will help.

Been playing Hearthstone beta, Saints Row 3, listening to Howlin' Wolf and Sonny Boy Williamson lately, and feeling nervous.

214 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

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