
Writing Photography Rambling

April 08, 2003 10:51AM

Oh Dear Lord! It's a Slime!!

I haven't updated lately because my stupid rogers webspace just died and so now I have a new address.. So chances are a lot of you people won't even see this, unless I go out of my way to tell you the new address, which I WILL do.. but.. I'm lazy and all.. you know how it is. Anyway.. I seem to have gotten my sleep under control. I get up at a decent time and go to bed at a decent time as well. I like it a lot more this way.. oh so much more. I feel like I can or do actually accomplish something, rather than feeling worthless for just sleeping my damned life away.

Just to confirm, my new website address is: http://members.rogers.com/jordangrieve

Last night at work I closed. It went pretty well.. I mean, it wasn't dead but it wasn't as busy as friday (over 300 orders). We got to around bill 50 or so, which is pretty high for a Monday night, but what are you gonna do? No.. really? What?! HELP!! Ah!!

I can feel the energy that I was feeling a few days ago (around the time I went shopping, baked, cleaned and so on) has completely left me and I can feel depression coming back. Everytime I hit a manic period, I always think it can last forever, or that I'm in control of how I feel finally.. and it always goes away in a few days and I hate it sooo much. I hate feeling this way. Paranoid, unmotivated and no energy to do anything at all. I felt good at work for about two hours last night, energetic and whatever, but it went away and I got really really tired. Bastards.

I've been playing Dragon Warrior 4 and 3 a lot lately. 3 with Ben and 4 by myself. It's fun and it brings back memories of my childhood, because I played both of those an unheathly amount growing up. Now we just need to break out the Final Fantasy 1 action and I'd just be in heaven! Actually, the next game I want to play is Dragon Warrior 5 and 6.. just cause I've never played them and you can't go wrong when you're a warrior AND a dragon! Oh wait.. you're human.. uh.. we're fucked.

I'm just so god damned funny. HAH!

Oh yeah, I also archived March's updates, which you can check out in the... archives section.

406 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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