
Writing Photography Rambling

May 14, 2006 2:36AM

Happy Birthday Mom

May 13th (today or yesterday depending on your perception of it) is my Mom, Carol's, birthday! She went to Hamilton to spend time with her Dad, and I made sure to send her a happy birthday message in an email. I know many of you have had the pleasure of meeting and even spending some time with her, and if you want to email her a happy birthday message, just ask me for the address and you can do so, she would really appreciate it.

Last night Mark, myself, Michelle and Ann all hung out at Mark's place drinking 40s (two each) and we just talked, listened to music and had Two Guys and A Girl on in the background, and overall it was a very enjoyable time. Mark and I traded DVD's full of music, and we exchanged all of Jackass for all of Family Guy, since it's faster and easier than downloading it ourselves, if the other has it already. Michelle fell asleep really early, and we took her home to bed, and then the three of us that were awake watched a bit of Robot Chicken and eventually went out for a walk to Subway, which seemed to take us a long time, but I'm really not sure how long it took... all I know is that I ended up at home, cold, at 3:00am with a sub.

Today I had a tiny hangover when I first woke up, so I drank a few glasses of lemonade, took an asprin, and then went back to sleep to awake later on with no more hangover.

Today was a super relaxing day to the max... I enjoyed it. Michelle and I only got out of bed once to go to the store for a snack, and the rest of the time all we did was watch TV. It started out with her being asleep and me watching half of Jackass Volume 1 (it's like.. hours long) and eventually she woke up and watched it with me, and then we started watching more of Highlander season 1. At some point we also watched the latest CSI (S06E23) which was excellent; there's only one more episode this season and I can't wait to see it. I love watching the new CSIs because it's always cap'd in HDTV, so the quality of the video is better than my TV displays. Anyway... we're about halfway through Season 1 of Highlander, and as I've said before, Season 1 isn't the greatest, it's in fact the worst season of them all, because they started off trying to be too much like the movies, then tried to find an auidence by trying out tons of different formats... crime/cop drama, murder mystery... they tried many things, but about halfway through Season 2 they found the best format... creating their own. That's when the show really starts being it's own entity, and when I really start loving it. Season 1 is enjoyable to watch only to build up attatchment and history of the characters. It's fun to watch them, and I love being able to watch Duncan again, and I've got the rest of the seasons constantly downloading, so by the time Season 1 is done, I'm sure the rest will be ready.

I'm not tired yet but I'm trying hard to get tired... I took two equality brand sleeping pills that don't seem to be quite as effective as the Simply Sleep variety, as they don't produce the same numbing 'high' feeling... but I've noticed they do make me sleep a bit longer and feel a bit less uncomfortable, and they also make laying down easier, and make me feel less antsy to lay there. They only cost 3.50 compared to Simply Sleep's $8 price tag, so I guess I can't really complain.

I suppose that's all I really have to write about for now, so I better find something to keep me busy until I feel tired enough to lay down. Organizing music sounds good... *presses the add entry button*

667 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


May 14, 2006

I really had a relaxing day too, it was so worth it being 'sick'!

More Highlander after work! SWEET!

May 14, 2006

i guess that explains why there are times when i don't hate highlander episodes i happen across while channel surfing, and then others i get mad at for making me waste time waiting for it to get good..

oh well..

May 14, 2006

i remember your mom! give her a birthday high five from me! lol

May 14, 2006

A birthday right before Mother's Day? What luck :) This relaxing day sounded fun, I'm glad you're well. TAKE CARE.

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