
Writing Photography Rambling

November 02, 2010 12:50AM

First headache in awhile maybe?

School was okay today, it felt pretty good to be there. It was refreshing to feel okay for once, to feel... okay. Operating Systems actually went the entire duration of three hours instead of only lasting thirty minutes, and that was actually refreshing, although I got a bit bored and downloaded and played Zuma's Revenge (the sequel to Zuma), so that was fun, and I still listened and paid attention when I had to.

During Operating Systems, the emergency alarm went off, followed by an accouncement over the PA system saying "an emergency alarm has been pushed and we are looking into it. Please remain calm and stand by for further instructions." Everyone was like, "lolwtf" and we kinda just sat there for a second, and about two minutes later or so a voice re-appeared and said, "Please exit the building. KTHX". So we all packed up our crap and went out to the emergency meeting place area thing. We stood there for about five minutes or so and were told we could go back in, and back in we went and finished the class.

After class was an hour break where I played a little WoW, played a little SC2, watched a little GSL2 and... ate lunch... a roast beef sandwhich, pickle, olive, all dressed chips and a Coke.

After lunch I had my networking lecture, that class is important to pay attention in but I sometimes get bored or antsy from sitting there for so long.

After school, I came home, unpacked my bag and walked to the grocery store. I needed coffee to really enjoy my night and morning, so I figured it was important, and I decided to pick up something for dinner. I ended up getting pork tenderloin and potatos, green beans and some other stuff. The walk was really nice, I enjoyed the calm, cool air, and I wasn't in a rush, I just walked there, I tried to be as relaxed as possible, tried to feel okay.

I ended up making breaded pork tenderloin (pounded and breaded with panko and then fried) with mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, carrots and it was pretty yummers.

After dinner, about 6:15 or so, until about 11:45, Ben and I played StarCraft 2. We played a lot of 2v2s, and I also observed a couple matches between Ben and his 'friend' where Ben just dominates him over and over. We lost a few stupid games and lost a bunch of points but ended up winning like six in a row to end the night and ended up 40 or more points ahead of where we started and we're around 112th in North America now. It ended up giving me a pretty intense headache that I haven't felt in what seems like awhile, but it's gotta be the playing that did it because I haven't really played SC2 for a week or more, and then I sit down and play a long session and end up feeling sick and shitty.

I ended up taking two tylenol, a sinus pill, had a bath and then took a sleeping pill so I could watch Jimmy Falon and then fall asleep right away without having any trouble. I'm feeling really, really shitty while I sit here and type, I'm tired, my head is pounding and I'm kind of uncomfortable and uneasy feeling. Ah well, I did my best. Pretty good writing right?? Aww..

569 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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