
Writing Photography Rambling

November 02, 2011 1:41AM

Mania; Energy; Obsessive Focus;

I feel like my heart is about to explode. I can't think straight and I feel wired out of my mind...

I had a database midterm this morning, and I woke up late. Yeah, my heart dropped as I rolled over and saw the clock, I woke up an hour late, and was a few minutes late for when I'd have to catch the bus, and so I stumbled out of my bed to my phone and sent a text to Calen basically saying, "Please tell me you haven't left yet. I need a ride, I woke up late" and it just so happened that Calen had fallen back asleep and was also going to be late, so that worked out. I got ready quickly and we made it to school pretty quickly and were only about three minutes late.

The mid-term was relatively easy, and I'm not too worried about it. After the midterm we had a two hour C++ class, where I felt bored and distracted and antsy. We left school and stopped at Subway on the way home where I got a nice turkey sub for lunch, which I brought home and ate while watching some Bored to Death.

While I did play some Batman: Arkham City and Rocksmith, I spent the majority of the day programming. It's weird, something in my brain kinda snapped and I became obsessively focused on this new uTunes project I'm working on, making progress, figuring things out, it felt great to make such progress, but it's kind of concerning just how obsessive... and... wired I am. I'm like... shaking with energy. It's good as far as creativity goes, but... there are downsides.

From what I've developed so far, my application is a GUI, a user interface, and it opens with a login window, which you must log in with your Excessive account (the same one used for all sites) and if you use the correct password, it opens the main window. You enter in the path to your iTunes library file, and it scans it to ensure that it's the right file, and reports how many songs it found contained in the library. It then allows you to Update your library, which then scans the library, extracts the information on each song, and uploads that information to the Excessive database. So... yeah, I did all that today, and made it run really nicely, with lots of neat little features. I learned about multi-threading, Dispatcher's and invoking, and learned a lot about delegates and event handling.

I'm excited to continue working on it, and plan more stuff for it. It's going to be quite the awesome service when it's done I do think... we'll have to see.

Tomorrow is Math and C++ but I'm debating staying home. I have to work, and I'm up late and I know I'm going to be tired... ugh, I just don't know. We'll see how I feel in the morning. I would love to be able to sleep in a bit, get up and have a really nice breakfast, take my time waking up and getting ready, and then go to work for the day.

Ah the endless cycle. Shoot me in the face now please. Thanks.

541 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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