
Writing Photography Rambling

November 02, 2011 1:41AM

Mania; Energy; Obsessive Focus;
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

I feel like my heart is about to explode. I can't think straight and I feel wired out of my mind...

I had a database midterm this morning, and I woke up late. Yeah, my heart dropped as I rolled over and saw the clock, I woke up an hour late, and was a few minutes late for when I'd have to catch the bus, and so I stumbled out of my bed to my phone and sent a text to Calen basically saying, "Please tell me you haven't left yet. I need a ride, I woke up late" and it just so happened that Calen had fallen back asleep and was also going to be late, so that worked out. I got ready quickly and we made it to school pretty quickly and were only about three minutes late.

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