
Writing Photography Rambling

August 16, 2011 1:23AM

Target My Pain

I didn't go outside today, nor did I do anything super productive, nor did I make much progress in any games, or watch any movies or much tv... what did I do then, you ask? That's an interesting question, and I'm sure it's going to make for one of the most boring, poorly written entries in this website's history.

I woke up at around 10:30am, a time I pretty much expected to wake up at, as it seems to be pretty consistent on days off. I decided to make a very nice, large breakfast, as I tend to do on my days off, which included poached eggs and toast, bacon and potato pancakes and coffee. It was yummy, and filling and a wonderful way to wake up.

After I had finished breakfast (which I ate while watching The Price is Right for some reason... I haven't watched that show in years, but it seemed as if it was the only thing on that wouldn't drive me crazy), I decided it would be a good time to start a to-do list, a list of household chores to do before I could start the 'relaxing' portion of my day, something I try to do every day, to help maintain my sanity and well being. I started with doing the dishes, and moving the laptop back into the computer room. You see, almost every single night, at around 9pm, after my bath, I move the laptop, with power supply and mouse, into the living room, to watch tv and write on here, and I generally leave it there when I go to bed, because I'm usually pretty out of it by the time I'm finished, and can barely make it to the bed, so I don't have much faith in being able to put away the computer without say, fainting from low blood pressure, or walking into a wall from being dizzy.

Anyway, where was I? Uhh.. yeah, moved the computer back, did the dishes, cleaned the litter, took out the garbage and recycling. Basically just tidied up everything and felt good and comfortable with the place, as I usually do. I floated between playing a couple games and sitting on the computer. I played a bit of Ratchet and Clank but I'm near the end of the game and it's becoming rather annoying. The enemies do far too much damage, it takes much too long to kill them, they float around too much, at which point they are invulnerable... and I dunno, I'm just not having any fun with the last little bit of the game, and I even stopped before I got to the end of the level because I had had enough of it. I also played a little bit of La Pucelle, and had a lot more fun with it than Ratchet. I played about four maps I guess, it was fun... I haven't been playing as often recently, but I kind of wish I could, I just always seem distracted or unable to pay attention.

For dinner I made a very large chicken caesar salad, with bacon and parmesan. I turned on Star Trek: TNG to watch while eating, and afterward had a coffee, a chocolate chip muffin and a bowl of cut in half strawberries. I decided to do some programming, mainly because Michelle was watching TV or playing L.A. Noir or something, and I didn't mind, but I was looking for something to do on the computer, and it seemed like the only thing to do. I didn't even really feel like it, but once I started, I got into it and enjoyed it.

A feature missing from this website's system was my ability to remove entries that I've made, like if I had accidentally added one, or decided to get rid of one after the fact. I would have to go into the database and remove it manually, with no way of removing it through this panel that I've made. So I took the time to program that in, test it, and it works now, so... makes no difference to you guys, but makes things easier for me now.

Afterward, I moved to the living room and watched the Daily Show and Colbert Report, and now Conan, and I've been writing and chatting with friends. I've got another day off tomorrow, and no plans, so... hopefully a good day?

735 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Broken up but living with Michelle


August 16, 2011

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