
Writing Photography Rambling

March 26, 2012 12:02AM

You Might Know Me More Than You Think You Do

I don't want to be writing, I don't want to be awake, and I don't want to feel so shitty. Also, having an 'e' key that doesn't sometimes automatically repeat itself would be great too, but we can't always get what we want.

I woke up this morning at 5:30am to the sounds of devil cat's screaming (Marle's scream is intense) and there was a tussle happening essentially right under the bed that I was sleeping in, so waking up wasn't exactly a choice. I tried to go back to sleep, but I don't think I did, or at least I don't remember, but either way, I got out of bed to start getting ready around 6:10am. I made breakfast and got dressed, eventually Al showed up at 6:40am to take me to work.

Work was disorienting because I wasn't in the day before to get stuff ready for myself. Jon got most of the stuff ready, which is awesome, but at the same time, because of that, I didn't know where things were, or if everything was done with 100% certainty. Brunch was busy, and I had little time to get tomorrow's prep done, which I would've liked. I had about an hour after the brunch rush was through, and I spent most of it resetting breakfast and then getting a breakfast and some lunches done for tomorrow. We were finished up by 3pm, and Al drove me home.

Once home, I think I napped. To be honest I don't really remember coming home or most of what came after, and usually i don't have this problem except for when I have migraines, but like... all I remember is laying down in bed and sleeping until 6:30pm. I don't know what I did leading up to that really... ah well, I'm sure it wasn't anything important, I was a pretty big ball of tired either way.

After I woke up from my nap, I felt worse than when I laid down, so kind of opposite of what I had wanted. I woke up with a headache I didn't have before, felt just as groggy and my mind was cloudy, or still is actually. I feel physically gross, just like a big pile of shit. My head hurts, my eyes ache, my arms and back and ribs hurt, my legs kill, my hips feel arthritic, I have a headache, my sinuses are blocked, I can't think, I'm tired, I feel slow and lethargic and useless. I know a good nights sleep will most likely help, and will probably fix most of those problems, and I will sleep soon, but I wasn't quite ready to sleep up until now.

Tomorrow is a day off, and I don't think I have anything planned. I haven't even really given it much thought as to what I want to do, or need to do, and I'm not sure if I'm in any state of mind to plan it tonight. I know I'll probably do laundry, I will probably do my normal list of chores and try to get them all done, and then once that's all done, I will plan some dinners for the week to see what or if I need to go to the grocery store, and then just spend the rest of the day relaxing as best I can, through reading, games and movies or TV.

I think for the rest of the night I will lay in bed and read a chapter or two of A Clash of Kings, and then call it a night. Here's hoping I feel refreshed and alive tomorrow morning!

603 words

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