
Writing Photography Rambling

September 09, 2004 11:29PM

No Subject

I awoke this morning early, as Emily was leaving for school; around 7:00am to be percise, and what shocked me was that I wasn't immediately tired, at least not enough to shrug, roll over and fall back asleep right away. I laid for a few seconds after she had left me, and I decided to at least get up and sit at the computer, since I didn't see myself falling back asleep at that point, and my computer was a wee bit more exciting than the bed. I just did the normal stuff, check my email, my message boards, run Hornet... it quickly got boring as well, since there wasn't much else to do, so I threw myself back in bed and went back to sleep, rather quickly, as I don't even really have much of a memory of doing so. Don't you hate when, at a glance (per se) you think you remember everything in your day. Someone asks you what you did, you quickly go over it in your head and yup, it's all there. Then, when it comes down to the details..and you actually have to go back and search for the answers, it's kinda blank. Does that happen to anyone else. I thought I could write an accurate retelling of my morning, but nope.. it's just gone. I have no idea if I went back to sleep at that point. I have no idea when I did any of the stuff I did this morning, as it was always in between various naps. *sigh* I'll just pretend I know what I'm talking about and you people will believe me.

I woke up again at roughly 12:30pm and was shocked to see I had slept so long (although I did wake up a couple times and roll over and rearrange the sheets and such, I remember because I kept looking at the clock and thinking about where Emily would be in relation to what time it was...), I turned on the TV, to comedy of course, as I always do. Don't ask me why, I have no idea, but bad stand up comedy really comforts me. I watched it A LOT, almost constantly when Linzie dumped me, and it's been my teddy bear ever since... go Comedy at Club 54! WOOH! Okay.. getting off topic.. wait.. there's a topic!? Ah.. crap. *cough* I got up at 12:30, turned on the TV and noticed that I was hungry, so much so that I think my stomach had ate itself and was starting to work its way up my torso. I proceeded to the kitchen (makes sense no?) and put a can of soup on the stove for me to enjoy (slurp) and then I stared into the cupboard for awhile. I stared at the cans of tomatos, both of them. I gave them looks... glares even. I thought of times of enjoyment; times I've ate a bowl of noodles and tomates and thought to myself, "That's the best fucking meal I've ever made" and I thought and thought some more.. and then.. I... GRABBED THE CANS!!! I thrust the can-opener vigorously onto the top and screwed it (the can opener) to open the cans and splilled them into a pot! and... finally, after I was nearing victory over these wretched... tomatos, I turned on the stove to max, waited for them to boil and.. put the lid on them. and put them on minimum. yes.. another story comes to a close. justice.. had been served. (okay.. what the hell was that? seriously... if anyone would like to tell me, email me). I ate my soup and quickly stumbled back to sleep.

I rose once more at 2:30 and finally decided to stay up, even though I was drowsy as hell (I had taken a sleeping pill the night before so I could write... could you tell?). Once I was up, I decided to play Final Fantasy 6, even after I lost all my progress yesterday. I loaded it up and played a few battles and decided that I just wanted to end it. I was getting kind of bored of building up, as I had been doing it for the last week or so, and I was getting eager to move onto new games, which I couldn't really do until I was done with 6, so I got organized, got comfortable and flew to Kefkas Tower, to finally fuck his shit up. I won't really mention anything more about it, since there might be people out there who haven't played it yet, or made it to the end yet, or people who might end up playing it eventually, but I can say that the ending to Final Fantasy 6 is one of the most satisfactory in all games ever. It feels concluded, it's long enough, it's detailed, it's heartwarming and funny, it has everything. It has a challenging ending sequence, and it has great, GREAT artwork and even better music to go along with all the action and role call. Just watching the ending makes me all good-pimply and tingly. I guess I'll use this as a last opprotunity to tell you, every single one of you, whether you've played games or not, play this fucking game!! Fall in love with the characters, the story, the relationships!! It's better than the best novel you've ever read, and more fun to experience than the longest and most exciting movie you've ever watched. This game will take over your life and you'll miss it dearly when you're finished. You'll play it again and again, just to visit the characters one more time. I love them... soooo much.

I just realize that every paragraph so far has started with " I ", isn't that neat? No? Well blow me. After I had completed Final Fantasy 6, and weeped in my bed, I watched some TV for a bit, made sure I kept stirring the tomatoes, ya know, the normal stuff really. Eventually I ended up putting Final Fantasy 4 in the PS2 and loading it up, just as Emily got home. I forgot how difficult this game was to be honest... I've died a few times, and the bosses are extremely difficult.. like sometimes it seems you are meant to die as part of the storyline, because it's so unbelievably difficult, but it always just goes back to the depressing title screen. I'm not sure what I can do to make it easier.. maybe just build up more, but maybe I'm missing something in the strategy depeartment, but I remember being really good at this game in the past, I used to play through it all the time... maybe I just got used to never having problems playing through the games, since all games post FF5 were a walk in the park if played correctly. Oh well, since I AM the master of everything Final Fantasy, I'm sure I'll just stick with it, build up some more and show that bastard Golbez whos boss.. yeah.. that fucker. He'll end up being my bitch, and I'll slap him in public. Anyway, after he raped me the first time I fought him, I just turned it off and let Emily play Final Fantasy 8, which she's now playing through, since she finished Final Fanatasy 6 a few days ago (not sure if I mentioned that, or if she even wrote i on her site). Shortly after she started playing, Michelle came online once she got home from school, and we talked about going to the movies tonight. She asked if I wanted to go, and I said sure, and we looked at the list of movies playing, and since we've seen all of our first few choices, we ended up deciding on seeing Shrek 2, which I wasn't exactly... excited to see, but I didn't really mind at the same time. We decided to watch the 7:05 showing, which meant I had to catch the bus at 6:00, which meant we had about an hour to get ready, so Emily turned the PS2 off and we got ready, and off we were, but not before something glorious happened! I went into the bathroom... got out the vaseline.. (ew, you people need to get your damn mind out of the gutter.. seriously) and GOT MY STRETCHER THROUGH MY SECOND EAR!!! Now I have both in and my lobes are now officially at 0g and it feels to good to finally not worry about getting them in!! *breathes* Pushing this one through the rest of the way wasn't as painful as the other, which was nice, but the pain still took my breath away for a bit... but nothing I couldn't deal with. I just loved the feeling of accomplishment that came along with it! If I can get good pictures, with good lighting, I may post a picture or two for you fans to see, if not, I'll just post a picture of the stretchers before i put them in my ear, so at least you can see what they look like, and how big they are.

I think I'm going to keep this 'paragraph starts with I' thing going for a bit, hehe. Anyway, we got to Mac's Milk early somehow, which made no sense to me since the buses are always late, but we were somehow fifteen minutes early.. make any sense? NOPE! Fucking buses.. they can blow me too. Emily and I sat there in front of Mac's for a few minutes waiting. We had both dressed up as old people. For those of you who've known me for more than say.. a few months, you'd know that I used to always be dressed as an old man, but I haven't really done so in a long, so it felt kinda weird. I had a cord blazer on, a dress shirt, a tie, cord pants and shoes, and my old man hat, but I dunno, at first I felt pretty good about it, but quickly I felt really ugly and unattractive, and I didn't feel confident the whole night, which I guess isn't the end of the wrold, but it's always nice to feel good about yourself when you're out of the house... oh well.. I just need to work on some of my outfits. I have more clothes than some stores, yet I always feel like I have nothing to wear. Emily was wearing a plaid, wee-bit 'fuzzy' kinda, redish burgundy skirt, and a blouse, with a red matching sweater on top, and heels, and glasses, and she looked like a school teacher, it was awesome cause she matched my old-man ness. It's funny though, because in those clothes, evne though she looks classy and stuff, she looked really beautiful. I loved having her on my arm, as it was easy to show her off to everyone. She looked great... I love that skirt on her, the shoes on her, even the fishnets she has on I loved. She just looked awesome, and I hope she knew, cause it would be a shame if she didn't. We saw Michelle and Jess approach from across the street and they made their way over to us on the corner and we said hi and started walking to rainbow. Michelle looked great, as usual, but what stood out was her hair. She had it up, with her gorgeous blond spot showing at the bottom and it was really breathtaking. It looks amazing! She was quite the beauty walking into that mall. I wan to get some nicely lit, brights hots of both Michelle and her hair, and she's coming over tomorrow, so be sure to check back for some shots, as I'll be most definitley psoting them up here to show my girl off! As for Jess, she looked hot. She had her hair up, and it was sooo cute, and she was just really really good looking tonight! It' too bad I had to bring the group down, three fucking HOT girls, between MOI, who was having an off day. haha.. or off year. whichever.

I thought Shrek 2 was good, for what it was. You didn't have to think, or pay much attention, as the jokes weren't really relevant to the plot, and it was just a sit down and laugh at jokes kinda movie. The story was bland and predictable, but the jokes were fresh and the parodies were well done. I'd give it a 6.5/10. I'd say go see it for 3 or 4 bucks at rainbow, but I wouldn't pay 9 something to see it at a normal theatre. I also probably wouldn't watch it again. I did enjoy Puss though, the kitty cat. They had tons of cat jokes, and since I'm such a cat lover, I laughed so hard at every one of them. Like when he was having a furball, it went on for so long, just like real cats do, and he was sticking his tongue out just a little bit, which Marle also does.. hehe, it was really funny to watch, that they made it so close to life. The fact that I also enjoy Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy helped me enjoy the movie a bit more than I would have if it were other actors, and the fact that I hate Cameron Diaz and don't really care for Antonio Bandarez didn't really affect my opinion, and I even thought Bandarez did an awesome job with the voice acting. For food, I naturally bought my normal popcorn swimming in an unnatural, unhealthly amount of fake butter, and 7-up with no ice, to prevent premature wateration. Of course since I hadn't eaten anything all day at all, except the soup, which I barely even remember eating, the popcorn and butter made me feel sick, and I got a headache after the movie was done... and the stupid fucking small chairs don't help much either.. there's no damn neck support! WHERE's THE DAMN NECK SUPPORT!!?! Anyway.... the movie was over, and we exited the theatre... after the girls went pee naturally.

I can't think of another way to start the paragraph with I... oh.. nevermind. We left the theatre and walked down Wellington to Macs, where Michelle had to use the payphone to call her Mom, so she'd come and pick them up, and then went to buy bread (for a picnic tomorrow, which I can't go to) and some bus tickets, for her ride home from school, and then we walked across the street to wait with them while they waited for their Mom (since they ARE sisters). We just talked, I had a headache.. when her Mom arrived, we group hugged and they were off. Shortly after the 7 Wavell came and I didn't feel like waiting around downtown, so I got on, and took it all the way up to Wavell and Dundas, where we got off and I got a single burger from Wendys to try and make me feel better, which it actually did an okay job at (considering I feel fine right now) and Emily and I walked over to the mall, where the 2A was waiting for us to drive us home, which we did! Except there was a bit of running involved sadl... I hate running. Once we were seated on the busular, I proceeded to eat my yummy hamburger, and it was just that... yummy, but it made me thirsty and I had nothing to drink, I stabbed a man next to me and drank his blood for sustenance.

I think the bus ride went on forever... but once we were home, Emily and I just went on your computers, and watched a little TV (comedy no less) and I was feeling pretty sick so I went to lay down and Emily gave me a bit of a back rub and I finally decided to just go have a bath and try to soak up some relaxation (and I thought the burning hot water soaking on my ear might make it feel better... which it does, for awhile). After my bath, Emily was asleep, and I sat down at the computer and decided to write this, all of which I've done without the aid of drugs, which I'm proud of. Now I just have to do this everynight, and I'll just be on to something now won't I! (what does that even mean? jesus...).

I am quite upset about tomorrow... Michelle and the rest of my girls are having an indoor picnic on their lunch break tomorrow at school, with sandwhiches, crackers and cheese and juice boxes and they invited me to come but I can't. Why you ask? Are you asking? Fine, I'll tell you anyway. You see, I can't bring myself to go. I can't go into that school. I can put up with everyone staring, or yelling, or threatening, or spitting and I just can't do it. I want to... I really do, I want to go spend an hour with them, and hang out and laugh and smile but I just can't. I hate having this social anxiety sometimes. I fear the people. So many of them, everywhere. Even if they didn't say anything to me, or look at me (but they most certainly would.. NICE BOOTS FREAK!! I'd fucking stab them. in the face. with my penis) I would still be too scared to go and that's horridly pathetic, since it would be such a nice picnic... *sigh* I hate myself sometimes. I guess it's okay though... Michelle is coming over after school to hang for a bit, and she might.. MIGHT sleep over (nothing in stone yet of course, most likely she'll not but here's always that chance) and so that'll be cool and make me smile for a bit.. make up for the lost picnic I guess. I'm just such a sad, pathetic little girl.

I am listening to Semisonic while I write this... and I also listened to Third Eye Blind (the album being the self titled debut) since this entry took me two hours to write about.. and I still have to do the images.. oh well, feels good to get it out of my mind.. so I can at least relax for the rest of the night. I'll probably just sit down and play some Final Fantasy 4, since I don't really feel tired at this point, but it hits me fast sometimes, so I don't know if I'll make it to FF4... anyway.. I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon. Remember, send in your comments to be posted! Email or MSN them to me NOW! bitches.


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