
Writing Photography Rambling

August 11, 2005 12:00AM

long story... long
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Stream

I suppose the adventure really began Saturday night... my sober Saturdaynight mind you... but it was late into the evening, Steve had a few drinks in him and he came over to me and said, "I'm this *motions with fingers* close to taking tomorrow off and driving up to Toronto." Of course he was talking about driving himself, myself and Cam up to the Birthday Massacre show, which both Cam and I had proposed to him a week or two earlier, but he claimed he could in no way take off the day work, but here he was, a day before the show, and he's considering it now. I was filled with glee but not entirely hopeful, as he said he wasn't completely sure about it yet. When I got home from the bar that night (and I wrote my entry about being sober), I was talking to him on MSN, and at that point he told me we were "definitley" going tomorrow and told me to be ready to go around 2pm or so and I clapped. Now that leads me to the next day; the Sunday...

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August 11, 2004 5:36AM

The ... Plan DUN DUN DUN
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

i had just had a showerSo here is the plan. Thanks to the near-godlike status of a one Tony, he has hooked me up with 100mb of free webspace, ad-free, with my own subdomain and a huge buttload of other things, such as PHP enabled servers... and well, it's awesome. So, what the plan is, is that I am going to deconstruct this website, really think about what I want it for, how I want it to display, and build it from the ground up, complete in PHP script, so it's automated, consistent and hopefully will have some advanced features, like an actual comment script, that you can leave automatic comments, that don't have to be manually added by me... you'll just click submit and they'll appear.. that's my dream anyway. A menu that reads from a file and inserts itself into each page is also something I've already achieved in just tonight, so if I want to change the menu, I can just change the source data file, rather than open all fifty of my webpages and manually change it on each page... so much easier to change things now. I'm trying to think of a few layout ideas... I've already finalized my idea of what I want entries to look like and how I want them displayed, but I'm still think about how I will go about adding new entries.. whether I want to do it manually, or have it automatted.. I think it might have to be automatted if I want to use a comment system... so I'm going to take some time and really think about it. As for other things, such as my stories, I'm trying to think about maybe a different variation on my current layout would be more appropriate, rather than it just looking like a long entry, maybe I can change it, so it stands out a bit more... all these things are going through my mind, but I want to make something clear, this won't be available for you people to use/see until about christmas, so that gives me a long time to program it and make sure it works great.. I might need a few people to help test some of the scripts, but I'm sure I'll talk to you privatly about that.. so now I have a huge work in progress, and it's quite excited.. and it's all thanks to Tony, for saving me from those Geocities freaks!

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