
Writing Photography Rambling

January 21, 2012 1:16AM

Now We're Just Wasting Time
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

Work was alright today, I got to wear my new uniform, so that was fun. It's white, with nicer pants and an apron.

I woke up on time this morning, having set both my phone's alarm and my bedside alarm, so I didn't sleep in, didn't miss my bus, or any of those fun things. I woke up and had my standard breakfast, listened to the Comedy Button and read random crap online as I got ready for work. I left around 11am and caught my bus to work... very exciting.

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January 21, 2011 9:42PM

No Time Remains
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

I attended java class virtually this morning via FanLive and it actually worked this time. We did more data structures like maps, hash tables and tree sets and all that, it was fairly interesting although slightly repetitive and boring, but still, I followed along and did the work. I have an in-class quiz on Monday and an in-class assignment on friday, so the two days that I usually stay home, I have to go, so it's going to make the week feel long.

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January 21, 2007 1:15PM

Brightness in all places
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

Michelle and I watched Final Destination 3 the other night and discovered that it's a horrible movie. The movie was ruined because of the inclusion of every single teen movie cliche possible... the two dim-witted but unnaturally attractive, tan, large breasted girls (who were 17 by the way, which is disturbing considering you see their tits a whole lot), the two goth/punk/alternative kids who are dark and brooding but above average intelligent and/or poetic, the creepy, girl crazy loser, the asshole jock, and of course the main characters are your average people who don't really fit into any clique, they just kinda exist. So, they've got all the cliches in place, so they might as well have them act out all known highschool cliches while they're at it, and that's what they did. With such an awesome and potentially awesome premise set by the first Final Destination, it's amazing that they constrict themselves to making the movie some lame teen movie instead of making it an amazing thriller/horror. Just because the first movie took place with high school students doesn't mean every movie after that has to as well... they should do something different! Bah! The movie was boring, predictable, full of tons and tons, and tons... and tons of flaws (logical and otherwise) and overall I would've much rather watched paint dry than watch this horrible excuse for a movie.

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