
Writing Photography Rambling

March 01, 2016 8:41PM

I've Come To Save The World
  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Bekki is Pregnant

Today was the worst.

I had to leave work an hour early because of my headache. It was this sharp, intense pain behind my eye, up the back of my neck, on the left side. I couldn't think straight, and I'm not just saying that. I mean, I was having trouble getting thoughts through. I could only stare at the screen, and things weren't making sense.

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March 01, 2014 9:42PM

  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

I'm having difficulty writing lately, as I always convince myself that any other activity will lead to more relaxation, more satisfaction, and so on, but the reality is that most often the writing will be an excellent tool for me to relax. I've been on and off reading a couple books about managing my... moods or whatever. I don't really like talking about it, it makes me uncomfortable and I don't know how to write about it without upsetting myself. Anyway, both the books have outright stated that writing in some form is one of the best therapies for managing your behavior and mood. I read this and think back to how I felt when I wrote everyday, or even the few memories of feelings I have when I finish a single entry, and I feel emptied out, in the best way possible. It obviously doesn't fix anything, it doesn't change everything but it helps calm my mind and leaves me feeling less insane, and it's important for me to remember that and push myself even harder to write.

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March 01, 2012 1:17AM

Not Writing
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

I thought I wanted to write but I don't.

I have a headache and it's impacting my ability to write properly.

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March 01, 2007 1:37PM

It's so cold in this house
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

It feels like there's been a bunch of bad things happening one after another lately, and on top of that I haven't been feeling that great, both with feeling sick very often (probably due to bacon) and feeling down (probably to do with things going wrong lately). I've been having trouble feeling motivated to do anything at all, including things on my to do list. I've been having trouble getting motivated to eat as well, having not eaten supper in a few days, and I rarely have lunch. I dunno, I guess I just haven't been doing that well lately, but I'm sure it'll pass.

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March 01, 2004 4:44PM

She Seems To Have An Invisible Touch
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie

Saturday night after work (yeah I went to work) I went out to GT's with Julia and Geoff, and met Rob, Tara, Tara, and Kara there. It was a lot of fun for most of it, until people started to talk about work, and everyone just got upset, and I dunno... it wasn't the best time. Julia ended up getting upset and just leaving me there, and then I had to try to find Geoff and stay with him. Bah, anyway.. I went out that night for the wrong reasons.. I was juat having a bad week.

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