I've been back to school now for almost a week, and today was either the worst day or the best day, I'm not really sure! The entire day takes place in one class room, in one seat, for six hours, with no break. It's three classes, back to back, in the same chair. Web Design, then database, then business. Web design is so basic that I think I'm going to know the entire course, so I literally played WoW from the start of class to the end of class, and I still listened but I mean, I knew it all, so I just quested. The second two hour class was database, and we downloaded and installed a small program, it took about ten minutes, and that's all we did for that class, so I had like.. an hour and forty minutes to play WoW more, since we had nothing else to do, and that was disappointing... I'm paying a lot of money to do more than just install programs and play games. Anyway, I ate my lunch during that "break" time in database, and eventually business started, with one of my favorite professors, Turford. He engages the students, acts excited, and generally does an excellent job at making any subject interesting to learn about. I didn't play any games, I just paid attention and enjoyed the class... even took notes.