Mountains, Man
- I lived in Rodney
- I worked at Vicimus
- I'm married to Bekki
- Bekki is Pregnant
- I lived in Rodney
- I worked at Vicimus
- I'm married to Bekki
- Bekki is Pregnant
It was an above average lazy day today, and I think I'm okay with it. I woke up pretty early, around 6:30am. I remember waking up, going the bathroom, going back to bed, laying there for a bit quite tired... The dog jumped up and slept beside me, and I kept tossing and turning. I'm not sure how much time went by, but at some point, even though I was feeling quite tired, I decided I should just get up. The idea of breakfast and reading reddit and playing Diablo 3 outweighed the idea of staying in bed. For the most part, any time laying in bed is discomfort. I never feel good, or rested or comfortable. I get pains in my neck and back, almost always get a headache, so getting up is rarely a difficult thing, it's usually much more desirable.