- I lived on Osgoode.
- I was dating Bekki
- I worked at Windermere
- I lived on Osgoode.
- I was dating Bekki
- I worked at Windermere
I'd like to make a random monthly resolution, as New Year's is still a month away, but I'd like to get back to writing every night, or as often as possible. Perhaps it will aid with de-stressing, or... help in some other unexpected way. I feel angry, frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed all the time, and perhaps organizing my thoughts more often, writing it out and getting it into words will help me... well, it's not like I've been doing it for ten years for no reason, it's just been so busy lately, or feels so busy lately that I haven't felt like I've had time to do anything, but that's not going to change any time soon, and you can't continue to blame all your problems and issues on being 'busy'.