
Writing Photography Rambling

September 23, 2011 1:14AM

Our hearts are, they're so deceitful, Sick and filled with lies that lead to death.
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

It's a nice revelation as I chat with a friend and I'm asked how things have been, if I've been having an easier time, and I go to respond and realize I can say, "yeah, today was a good day." I'm kind of lost within a bubble of safety, where I pretend that nothing else exists except things that make me happy, and it's safe to say that's mainly playing Disgaea 4, but I can tell that something in my head has clicked, at least for right now, in that I'm super energetic and creative... and yeah... I know what that means, but I'll pretend like I don't. It's better... much better than the last week, because at least I can still sedate myself when needed, to counteract the side effects.

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