
Writing Photography Rambling

May 30, 2002 12:00AM

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  • I lived with my Mom
  • I was with Linzie

I added a bum load of information to the hobbies page.. instead of just a 'coming soon' thing. There isn't much interesting information there, but information none-the-less. As for what's up today... Today sucked because some dumbass elbowed me in my tumor leg and I fell down and layed on the floor for awhile and then when I hobbled home at lunch I layed down cause my leg was hurting me and I fell asleep and missed last class again for the fifty million times... but after that the rest of the day was great :)

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May 24, 2002 12:00AM

No Subject
  • I lived with my Mom
  • I was with Linzie

Well.. I changed the layout.. why you ask? Because I wasn't really happy with the last one. It was dark and grey and I didn't like it. I liked it when I first made it.. but not anymore. See why I remade the layout? Do you? ... Well anyway. Last night I wrote a short story for my english class. If you want to read it, you can check it out in the stories section.

Yup, I'm still sick and I'm still a bit depressed, although my cold is better and so are my spirits. It's the weekend now.. which is pretty meaningless to me, considering I haven't left the house more than twice this week. Hopefully I can get chips and coke today even though I'm kinda sick, my Mom might not approve of the junk.

I guess I don't have much more to add other than keep checking back for more content. I will be adding a few sections whenever I reach the point of complete boredom. Blah? I think so!

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May 21, 2002 12:00AM

No Subject
  • I lived with my Mom
  • I was with Linzie

Wow, I have tons to talk about, yet the energy to do nothing! I guess I can try and sum it up. For awhile now I have had a knee problem, where it would swell a but and the muscle would be a bit tender. Well, a few weeks ago it completely locked and hurt unimaginably. Well, it did it again and now its not getting better. The pain is actually quite indescribably but I've used the following the most: it feels like a needle is stabbing me every time I walk. The feeling of the skin breaking and then pressure and expanding. I've completely lost all control over my thigh muscle, so it's very difficult to do anything. You know what's even better? do you? hey! why the hell are you walking away from me? ... bastards.. I'll continue anyway.. So I went to the hostiple last week.. I was there for seven hours or so, they did an ultrasound and an x-ray and forcefully moved my leg (which hurt by the way).. and its also the reason I think its not getting better this time, actually worse. Anywho, I was sent home with NO painkillers or information other than "they'll call you". Well.. asprin don't do anything for the pain. Oh, did I mention I also have a fever, a sore throat, a stuffed up nose/runny nose and feel like COMPLETE shit in every way. Hmm.. what else? Oh yes, I am now in my couch 24/7, except for times when I have to go the bathroom. I've got my computer set up beside the couch and I'm laying with the keyboard on my stomach and the optical mouse on my chest.. I've got a fucking headache. Well anyway.. I'm going to miss a lot of school.. possibly fuck up my future, I can barely do anything for myself and I hate it. I hate it more than anything. I'm getting quite sick of life and there are times when I wish I was just sleeping and not waking up. I just hate this so much. hate hate hate hate hate hate. Hmm.. i'm burning up right now.. and can barely see.. but other than that im FUCKING SUPER!! *point fist in the air*

Oh well, at least there is one constant in my life.. *hugs coke* mmm.. sweet sweet coke. *licks coke* oh you like that coke? *looks up* *cough* ah yes.. well.. so im in super pain, quite depressed and all around fed up with my life. Thats the update for today. Thank you and happy camping.

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May 06, 2002 5:02AM

No Subject
  • I lived with my Mom
  • I was with Linzie

Well it's 5:02am on Monday morning and I just finished watching Chasing Amy (New Jersey Trilogy 4 Life yo!) and it really opened my eyes about two things. One, homosexuals and how to understand it and also relationships and peoples sexual past. The way that this movie explained homosexuality, whether in a man or a woman, was extremely well done and eye opening (at least for me). One of the most repeated statments made by gays is: "we didn't chose" or "it wasn't our choice, we can't just go back and forth", that's why everyone hates bisexual people. Gays hate them because they say they're faking it and there is no "in between", you are either attracted to one sex or the other" and straight people hate them because they just think they are faking it, based on the previous statement about one or the other.. where was I again? Ah yes, people always say "it's not a choice". Well, this statement really doesn't help understand anything at all, nor can straights relate to it, so no one really benfits by it being said. In the movie, one of the main characters (a lesbian) describes it as follows:

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