
Writing Photography Rambling

November 25, 2006 5:31PM

1000th Entry!
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

Yes, this is the 1000th entry that I've made on Excessive Rambling, over five long years of almost daily writing of everything from the food I've eaten, the people I've been with, and the ways that I'm feeling. I'm really quite proud of what I've done here; a massive collection - basically a history of my life for the last five years, with so many details since it was written in the form of a daily journal.

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November 22, 2006 9:54PM

Movies Please?
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

I've been on a serious movie kick, and it's fun. In the last two days, I've watched A Bug's Life, Robots, X-Men 2, Death to Smoochy and The Incredibles. It makes the day go by, and it does a good job at making me comfortable, so I've got no complaints.

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November 20, 2006 9:03AM

It's Early
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

I'm up early today... had a pretty weird sleep to be honest. I went to bed really early, like around 9pm, and ended up sleeping on and off until around 4am, at which point I got up and had something to eat as I was starving, and watched some of ANTM cycle 2. Between then and now, I played a bit of Final Fantasy XII, watched an episode of Who's Line, and watched last night's Studio 60. There is just something so awesome about Studio 60... probably it's amazing writing.

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November 15, 2006 12:49AM

  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

I think I ate too much and I feel mighty gross right now, and I have the worst possible taste of red onion in my mouth that won't go away (thanks Subway) so I think I'm going to use mouthwash for a good six hours and then spit it out and see if it tastes better.

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November 14, 2006 3:52AM

The Monday Night!
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

Ally came over and we had our usual exciting Prison Break / Heroes Monday night, although there were a few complications today.

We didn't end up watching Prison Break until 2am because the first release got nuked, then the proper wouldn't download because the tracker broke, so hundreds of peers were connected but we were just sitting there at 0% because there were no seeds, because there was no tracker. Heroes downloaded right away so we watched it first (we usually watch it second) but as usual Heroes was awesome and we both enjoyed it. With all the great shows on that we watch, it's difficult to pin point which one is the favorite, but with Lost off now for thirteen weeks, the award probably goes to Heroes as the one I look forward to the most each week, as Prison Break has somewhat lost it's way, Nip/Tuck has lost my interest due to it's competition and the fact that it's becoming a bit 'ugh' lately, but shows like Studio 60, The Office, ANTM and 30 Rock aren't really comparable as they're very different shows.

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