
Writing Photography Rambling

July 03, 2007 4:57AM

Sleepy Diablo 2
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

Today was pretty good I guess. I woke up kinda late after having a really unenjoyable sleep, and I was still tired even though I got up late. It was a pretty standard day filled with Pokemon, Guitar Hero with Mark and Michelle and a spaghetti supper. Eventually Ally came over and hung out, and I continued to play Pokemon... yeah, it's not much to write about.

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July 02, 2007 3:55PM

Guitar Hero Contest
  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

So the magical Guitar Hero competition at Pandemic was last night and as I suspected it was horribly unorganized and not set up in anyway in order to promote actual competitiveness. There was only one guitar, something which made the competition take much longer than it should have. Basically there was a song picked, and all the entrants took their turn playing that one song, and then their score was recorded (along with their style, which was actually worth more than playing the song at all.. give me a break).

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