
Writing Photography Rambling

March 01, 2014 9:42PM

  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

I'm having difficulty writing lately, as I always convince myself that any other activity will lead to more relaxation, more satisfaction, and so on, but the reality is that most often the writing will be an excellent tool for me to relax. I've been on and off reading a couple books about managing my... moods or whatever. I don't really like talking about it, it makes me uncomfortable and I don't know how to write about it without upsetting myself. Anyway, both the books have outright stated that writing in some form is one of the best therapies for managing your behavior and mood. I read this and think back to how I felt when I wrote everyday, or even the few memories of feelings I have when I finish a single entry, and I feel emptied out, in the best way possible. It obviously doesn't fix anything, it doesn't change everything but it helps calm my mind and leaves me feeling less insane, and it's important for me to remember that and push myself even harder to write.

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