
Writing Photography Rambling

April 29, 2003 12:46PM

Apparantly I'm still Mr. No Updatey
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

I've been working, or punching the walls... either one, I haven't been updating.Yesterday I went out and bought a PS2 and FFX, my last "big" purchase before college tuition... I needed something to show for my hard work... I really did. I can't help but feel guilty about spending the money, but I talked to my Mom and she told me to relax, I'll go no matter what, so that makes it easier. I still need to buy a PS2 Save Card and then I'll be done spending for awhile (a few months).

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April 25, 2003 12:46PM

I am Mr. No Updatey
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

I haven't been updating lately because basically I've been quite busy. What have I been doing lately you ask? Why should I tell you? Ooooh yeah, you're here because you are abnormally obsessed with me. Okay, well...

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April 17, 2003 10:58AM

I Am The Dust
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

Yesterday I closed at work. Um... I guess the day started out fine. I was in a pretty good mood, I had a plan to go surprise Linzie at school and stuff, then she called and said she was skipping and going downtown, so that completely destroyed my plans and becuase of how shitty I am, it really upset me and pretty much ruined the rest of my day. Work was boring. When I got home, I tried to go to sleep, even though I had a horrible headache. Doesn't sound like the best day eh?

Here is some more work by Owen: images/images/jackposter.jpg

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April 15, 2003 11:28PM

You are not a unique snowflake. You are the all singing, all dancing shit of the universe.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

Okay, so what is it exactly that gives people the idea that they have any right or knowledge enough to intrude into others lives, especially in something extremely important and delicate. What is it that makes them think they can do something good? How can someone be so inconsiderate and thoughtless, when claiming to be sensitive. If anything, I've made it extremely clear to everyone near me that I choose not to interact with society. I choose not to have friends, to stay inside, to free myself of this society's need for childish games, mindtrips, rumors, gossip and bullshit everyone seems to get high off of. It's rather amusing to me, that after being completly isolated for almost 4 months, after spending all my time either in my apartment, on the bus to work, or work... that I am still plagued by stupidity emenating from the shit hole known as high school drama. You see, I still have a link with this damnable place; my girlfriend. Yes, sadly enough there is still one thread which connects me to such wretched, childish behaviour known as the average highschool student. I awoke early this morning, eyes wide open, clear minded and warm... happy, as some would say. Yes, as it is a rare occasion, I was quite enjoying it. As I was getting ready to start my day of sitting, the phone rang. It happened to be... oh yes, the dreadful ex, who for one reason or another, thinks it will be forever the greatest day if I'm suffering. Hah, I laugh. She always claim to care for me, claims she wants the best for me, yet she spews her lies, her deciet my way, only to peirce the very armor I've built up over the last two months. I was told lies, lies which I mistakenly believed. This lead to me being stupid, to me going to school, to me (barely) walking the halls, so fucking out of my mind I didn't know where I was anymore. I talked to Linzie, she told me the truth; the obvious truth, which cannot be denied. You see this was a case of a friend told a friend told a friend told a friend. Such bullshit I wish to be free from. Something I cannot wait for. I was put through hell today, and for what? Because someone cared? Well, I don't want your caring, your comfort or anything you have to give. You are pain and nothing more.

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April 14, 2003 11:18PM

You are not the clothes you wear, you are not the job you go to.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

I was in such a good mood today. Yesterday I went to Value Village with my beautiful girlfriend Linzie and bought some new clothes... and I wore some today and it made me feel good. I recieved compliments from a few people which made me even more happy, it was sunny and beautiful out... everything just seemed so nice.

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April 13, 2003 12:17PM

I not unique, I'm not special, I'm not an individual.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

Work was okay... Basically just talked to Julia the whole time while making (mixing) pizzas. Exciting stuff...

For some reason I have a lot of energy... lot's.. and lots and lots and lots but I'm tired.. my eyes are tired. It's strange. I don't like it because they conflict with each other. Hah, bastards. Oh well.. Back to Dragon Warrior 4 or GTA3. Whichever.. it's all good.

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April 12, 2003 12:41PM

FUCK! I'm having a bad day.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

Last night I closed and it got really busy around 12, when we close. So I had to make the pizzas, thus I didn't get to clean... or do any of the stuff I normally have to do. So, around 1am, when Aaron finally left, I started cleaning and I did everything EVERYTHING except mop the main floor, becuase it was 1:30am and my ride was there. Also, I had some fucking asshole keep calling and being a FUCKING ASSHOLE because his pizza was late. Fuck him. So... this morning my Sister calls and says Rob was pissed off at me cause I didn't mop. Like fuck, if I had mopped I would have been there until 2:30am, and I am not staying that late when I get paid minimum wage. Fuck that.

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April 10, 2003 11:47PM

Hey Tyler. My Eyes Are Open.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

I've been playing a lot of Dragon Warrior 3 and 4 lately, and I'm pretty far in 4... chapter 4 to be exact. Probably my least favorite chapter but it's still lots of fun, and like I've said before, it brings back good memories.

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April 08, 2003 10:51AM

Oh Dear Lord! It's a Slime!!
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

I haven't updated lately because my stupid rogers webspace just died and so now I have a new address.. So chances are a lot of you people won't even see this, unless I go out of my way to tell you the new address, which I WILL do.. but.. I'm lazy and all.. you know how it is. Anyway.. I seem to have gotten my sleep under control. I get up at a decent time and go to bed at a decent time as well. I like it a lot more this way.. oh so much more. I feel like I can or do actually accomplish something, rather than feeling worthless for just sleeping my damned life away.

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April 03, 2003 8:31AM

Wakey Wakey
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

Well.. yesterday I bought some dishes... a casserol dish, a pie plate, a loaf dish and a measuring cup (all one set) which was only $17.98, a glass measuring cup, a can opener and some more groceries. Using my newly aquired dishes, I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes last night and it was great! It tasted really good! I'll have to make it once and awhile now. Mmm.. I'm gonna eat the leftovers for lunch probably.

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